java Programming Glossary: tricky
Can constructors throw exceptions in Java? throws the exception of course... it all becomes a bit tricky. It's not a problem very often but it's worth considering. ..
Forcing Garbage Collection in Java? I can force garbage collection in java anyway Even it was tricky to do. I know about System.gc and Runtime.gc but they don't..
When comparing two Integers in Java does auto-unboxing occur? false . Interning of small autoboxed values can lead to tricky results Integer x 10 Integer y 10 System.out.println x y This..
Netty vs Apache MINA them and quickly get to a stage where you can test any tricky functionality is working as expected. If you're satisfied that..
How to implement a single instance Java application? in the comment that using InetAddress.getLocalHost can be tricky it does not work as expected in DHCP environment because address..
Convert JSON to HashMap using Gson in Java wasn't hard at all but the other way seems to be a little tricky. The JSON response looks like this header alerts AlertID 2 ..
How to determine if a number is a prime with regex? of the match result. Do you see it now It's unbelievably tricky and computationally expensive but it's also kind of simple at..
Implemeting 2 interfaces in a class with same method.Which interface method is overridden? method. Resolving potential incompatibilities may be a tricky task but that's another issue altogether. References JLS 8.4.2..
Should you always Code To Interfaces In Java
Why is January month 0 in Java Calendar? the problems . Admittedly working with dates and times is tricky but aaargh anyway. Do yourself a favour and use Joda Time instead..
Why doesn't java.lang.Number implement Comparable? types float double determining if two values are equal is tricky and has to be done within an acceptable margin of error. Try..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser structure with repeating tags in different levels becomes tricky. There you'd have to either use Enums for example to set your..
Setting the maximum size of a JDialog? of a JDialog The short version do I need to do something tricky to get JDialog's setMaximumSize to work The full version I've..
Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Java heap space . For MAC please see Finding eclipse.ini is a wee bit tricky. To locate it right click on the Eclipse Application icon and..
Text-mouseover popups over a Swing JTextArea? automatically once the mouse moves away. Of course the tricky part here is that I want it at the character word level within..
Java, Classpath, Classloading => Multiple Versions of the same jar/project true I always found classloader customization a tricky task. I'd rather suggest to avoid multiple incompatible dependencies..
Why is it frowned upon to use a null layout in SWING? else to the CENTER. FlowLayout can be useful but it's tricky if your components are different sizes. I wouldn't try GridBagLayout..
What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application concern here is what you're saving. Passwords are always a tricky thing to store and I'd be particularly wary of storing them..
Installing IDEA on Ubuntu 11.10 because of the known performance and visual issues. The tricky part is that Oracle JDK is no longer distributed via .deb packages..
How to get Ip address of our own system using java ip share improve this question This could be a bit tricky in the most general case. On the face of it InetAddress.getLocalHost..