java Programming Glossary: triangle
Collision detection with complex shapes 40 30 30 int xTriangle 330 360 345 int yTriangle 60 60 40 triangle obstacles 1 new Area new Polygon xTriangle yTriangle 3 int xDiamond..
Any java package to draw simple geometric shape? about any lib package to draw simple geometric such as triangle square It can be saved into a png format. java image draw ..
Java/JAXB: Unmarshall Xml to specific subclass based on an attribute square points 4 square specific attribute foo shape type triangle points 3 triangle specific attribute bar shapes I would like.. square specific attribute foo shape type triangle points 3 triangle specific attribute bar shapes I would like to have a List of.. I would like to have a List of Shape objects containing a triangle and a square each with their own shape specific attribute. IE..
How to draw a filled triangle in android canvas? to draw a filled triangle in android canvas So I'm drawing this triangle in android maps.. a filled triangle in android canvas So I'm drawing this triangle in android maps using the code below in my draw method paint.setARGB.. basically latitudes and longitudes. The result is a nice triangle but the insider is empty and therefore I can see the map. Is..
How does this code for delaunay triangulation work? i point k or in other words a vector perpendicular to the triangle point i point j point k . The calculation of flag checks whether.. The calculation of flag checks whether the normal of this triangle points towards the negative z direction and whether all other.. other points are on the side opposite to the normal of the triangle opposite because the other points need to be above the triangle's..
How do I draw an arrowhead (in Android)? where you would give the x and y positions to create a triangle using lines and filling it. You can read about it here is an.. here is an example I took from somewhere. create and draw triangles use a Path object to store the 3 line segments use .offset.. segments use .offset to draw in many locations note this triangle is not centered at 0 0 paint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE paint.setStrokeWidth..
Smoothing a jagged path edges around the circle and along the slanted sides of the triangle. I'd like to gain a shape that has that jaggedness removed or..
How do I solve the 'classic' knapsack algorithm recursively? I understand recursion when applied to factorials and triangle numbers. However I'm lost right now. java algorithm knapsack..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails 1 camera_texture null private void initShapes float triangleCoords X Y Z 1.0f 1.0f 0.0f 1.0f 1.0f 0.0f 1.0f 1.0f 0.0f 1.0f.. for vertices ByteBuffer vbb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect triangleCoords.length 4 vbb.order ByteOrder.nativeOrder use the device.. a floating point buffer from the ByteBuffer vertices.put triangleCoords add the coordinates to the FloatBuffer vertices.position..
How do you add an ActionListener onto a JButton in Java jBtnDrawSquare new JButton Square private JButton jBtnDrawTriangle new JButton Triangle private JButton jBtnSelection new JButton.. Square private JButton jBtnDrawTriangle new JButton Triangle private JButton jBtnSelection new JButton Selection I would..
Java/JAXB: Unmarshall Xml to specific subclass based on an attribute Shape String square specific attribute ...etc class Triangle extends Shape String triangle specific attribute ...etc I'm.. String s this.squareSpecificAttribute s Triangle import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute public class Triangle.. import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute public class Triangle extends Shape private String triangleSpecificAttribute @XmlAttribute..
JComboBox in a JTable cell comboBox1 editors.add dce1 String items2 Circle Square Triangle JComboBox comboBox2 new JComboBox items2 DefaultCellEditor dce2..
How to add unique JComboBoxes to a column in a JTable (Java) comboBox1 editors.add dce1 String items2 Circle Square Triangle JComboBox comboBox2 new JComboBox items2 DefaultCellEditor dce2..
area of intersection between circle and rectangle of a circular segment and a triangle. XXXXX XXXXXXXXX X X Triangle X _ X X X X _ X X X X _ X Circular segment X X X XXX XXXXX.. triangles and a circular segment XXXXX X X X _ ' 'X X X Triangle _ X X X _ XX Circular segment X X XX XXXXX Triangle^ 3 vertices.. X X Triangle _ X X X _ XX Circular segment X X XX XXXXX Triangle^ 3 vertices are inside the circle The area of the rectangle..
JCombobox change another JCombobox 1 subItems1 String subItems2 Select Shape Circle Square Triangle subItems.put items 2 subItems2 String subItems3 Select Fruit.. 1 subItems1 String subItems2 Select Shape Circle Square Triangle subItems.put items 2 subItems2 String subItems3 Select Fruit..