java Programming Glossary: truncate
IOException while reading from InputStream is only raised when reading into a byte array. If I truncate the file to 100 000 bytes file is 1 917 408 bytes originally..
File truncate operation in Java truncate operation in Java What is the best practice way to truncate.. operation in Java What is the best practice way to truncate a file in Java For example this dummy function just as an example.. Scanner s new Scanner f s.hasNextLine lines.add s.nextLine truncate f here how java file file io share improve this question..
Line crosses Rectangle - how to find the cross points? some random point in the coordinate space. Now I want to truncate the line by the length that is inside the rectangle so that..
Android: TextView automatically truncate and replace last 3 char of String TextView automatically truncate and replace last 3 char of String If a String is longer than..
Are there any functions for truncating a double in java? Is there a Java Library function which can be used to truncate a number to an arbitrary number of decimal places For Example... number of decimal places For Example. SomeLibrary.truncate 1.575 2 1.57 Thanks java share improve this question Try..
How to check if a double has at most n decimal places? precision . Multiplying by 649632196443.4279 by 10000 will truncate the binary representation leading to errors when rounding and..
How to round time to the nearest quarter hour in java? this question Rounding You will need to use modulo to truncate the quarter hour Date whateverDateYouWant new Date Calendar.. Improvements If you want to be exact you will also have to truncate the smaller fields calendar.set Calendar.SECOND 0 calendar.set.. Calendar.MILLISECOND 0 You can also use DateUtils.truncate from Apache Commons Lang to do this calendar DateUtils.truncate..
Ideal method to truncate a string with ellipsis method to truncate a string with ellipsis I'm sure all of us have seen ellipsis'..
Generating random numbers in a range with Java you need to add 1 to your range parameter Max Min and then truncate the decimal part by casting to an int. This is accomplished..
Is it safe when compare 2 float/double directly in Java? arithmetic in a couple of respects integer division will truncate if the result is not integral integer addition subtraction and..