java Programming Glossary: treeset
Get Selected Rows in JTable using AbstractTableModel is small compared to the number of rows. Note the use of TreeSet whose iterator retains the natural order of the elements. import.. java.util.List import java.util.Set import java.util.TreeSet import javax.swing.BorderFactory import javax.swing.DefaultListModel.. List Boolean rowList private Set Integer checked new TreeSet Integer public CheckModel int rows this.rows rows rowList new..
Hashset vs Treeset I've ever known has asked me pointedly why I would use a TreeSet . From a CS background I don't think it matters all that much.. of Java . In which cases should I use a HashSet over a TreeSet java hashset treeset share improve this question HashSet.. share improve this question HashSet is much faster than TreeSet constant time versus log time for most operations like add remove..
TreeMap sort by value Map K V map SortedSet Map.Entry K V sortedEntries new TreeSet Map.Entry K V new Comparator Map.Entry K V @Override public..
What is the best way to remove duplicates in an Array in Java? an implementation that meets your needs best now HashSet TreeSet LinkedHashSet and you don't have to change your code to change..
What is the difference between compare() and compareTo()? or for use by sorting data structures such as TreeMap and TreeSet . You might want to create a Comparator object for the following..
How to sort hash map
how to sort Map values by key in Java then you can do the following SortedSet String keys new TreeSet String map.keySet for String key keys String value map.get key.. you don't want to use the natural order then TreeMap and TreeSet have additional constructors that let you pass in a Comparator.. int compare Foo o1 Foo o2 ... SortedSet Foo keys new TreeSet Foo map.keySet comparator Remember when using a TreeMap or TreeSet..