java Programming Glossary: trayicon
Getting Ant <javac> to recognise a classpath
How to hide a JFrame in system tray of taskbar public class HideToSystemTray extends JFrame TrayIcon trayIcon SystemTray tray HideToSystemTray super SystemTray test System.out.println.. setExtendedState JFrame.NORMAL popup.add defaultItem trayIcon new TrayIcon image SystemTray Demo popup trayIcon.setImageAutoSize.. trayIcon new TrayIcon image SystemTray Demo popup trayIcon.setImageAutoSize true else System.out.println system tray not..
How do I put a Java app in the system tray? has a pretty extensive example in its Javadocs TrayIcon trayIcon null if SystemTray.isSupported get the SystemTray instance SystemTray.. defaultItem ... add other items construct a TrayIcon trayIcon new TrayIcon image Tray Demo popup set the TrayIcon properties.. TrayIcon image Tray Demo popup set the TrayIcon properties trayIcon.addActionListener listener ... add the tray image try tray.add..
How to capture trayicon.displayMessage() mouse click on the tooltip baloon implements ActionListener private TrayIcon trayIcon private String title private String message private TrayIcon.MessageType.. messageType ShowMessageListener TrayIcon trayIcon String title String message TrayIcon.MessageType messageType.. String message TrayIcon.MessageType messageType this.trayIcon trayIcon this.title title this.message message this.messageType..
Blinking Tray Icon import java.awt.SystemTray import java.awt.TrayIcon import java.awt.event.ActionEvent import java.awt.event.ActionListener.. public class ActiveTray private SystemTray tray private TrayIcon trayIcon private Icon icon icon1 private Image image image1.. public void propertyChange PropertyChangeEvent evt TrayIcon oldTray TrayIcon evt.getOldValue TrayIcon newTray TrayIcon..
System Tray (Menu Extras) icon in Mac Os using Java to documentation OSX 10.5 update 1 and newer support TrayIcon s TrayIcons are represented on Mac OS X using NSStatusMenus.. OSX 10.5 update 1 and newer support TrayIcon s TrayIcons are represented on Mac OS X using NSStatusMenus that are presented.. system menu extras. The java.awt.Image artwork for a TrayIcon is presented in grayscale as per the Mac OS X standard for menu..
How to hide a JFrame in system tray of taskbar m.faisal6621 public class HideToSystemTray extends JFrame TrayIcon trayIcon SystemTray tray HideToSystemTray super SystemTray test.. JFrame.NORMAL popup.add defaultItem trayIcon new TrayIcon image SystemTray Demo popup trayIcon.setImageAutoSize true else..
How do I put a Java app in the system tray? As of Java 6 this is supported in the SystemTray and TrayIcon classes. SystemTray has a pretty extensive example in its Javadocs.. SystemTray has a pretty extensive example in its Javadocs TrayIcon trayIcon null if SystemTray.isSupported get the SystemTray instance.. popup.add defaultItem ... add other items construct a TrayIcon trayIcon new TrayIcon image Tray Demo popup set the TrayIcon..
How to capture trayicon.displayMessage() mouse click on the tooltip baloon to listening MouseClickEvents by add ActionListener to the TrayIcon then Message body listening for MouseClicked 2 not asked directly.. but without catch any event s 3 looks like as this Java TrayIcon message close button should be only one solutions because API.. ShowMessageListener implements ActionListener private TrayIcon trayIcon private String title private String message private..