java Programming Glossary: treemodel
easy and fast JTree Cell Editor and fast JTree Cell Editor I have a JTree with a custom TreeModel and a custom TreeRenderer. The Tree Model contains a bunch of..
How to add checkbox to JTree node to manage multiselection? import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel import javax.swing.tree.TreeCellRenderer import javax.swing.tree.TreePath.. folder_open.png protected JTree m_tree protected DefaultTreeModel m_model AddCheckBoxToTree AddCh new AddCheckBoxToTree private.. new Boolean true m_model new DefaultTreeModel top m_tree new JTree m_model public String getToolTipText MouseEvent..
JTree add nodes on startup of application import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel import javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel public class MyTextEditor.. rootNode new DefaultMutableTreeNode dirTitle DefaultTreeModel treeModel new DefaultTreeModel rootNode public MyTextEditor.. dirTitle DefaultTreeModel treeModel new DefaultTreeModel rootNode public MyTextEditor tree new JTree treeModel tree.setEditable..
Java JTree directory structure from file paths files in a JTree you might as well create a corresponding TreeModel such as FileTreeModel cited here . Because it implements TreeModel.. might as well create a corresponding TreeModel such as FileTreeModel cited here . Because it implements TreeModel it can be set as.. such as FileTreeModel cited here . Because it implements TreeModel it can be set as a JTree 's model and then you'd have a plain..
Java: How to display an XML file in a JTree accomplished this using DOM by implementing a custom TreeModel and TreeCellRenderer . However it is very clunky much workaround..
Access tree object in netbeans outline and DefaultOutlineModel . The former implements both TreeModel and TableModel and offers TreePathSupport the latter mentions.. the impedance mismatch between TableModelEvent and TreeModelEvent. Like JTable the selected row index in the view may not..
How to search a particular node in jtree and make that node expanded.? and as discussed in How to Use Trees you can search your TreeModel recursively and obtain a TreePath to the resulting node. Once..
Filtering on a JTree seemed ideal Approaches Model based filtering decorate the TreeModel to filter out some of the values. A quick and dirt version is.. nodes and on every change of the filter or the delegate TreeModel the decorator can fire an event that the whole tree has changes.. works more or less but the events originating from the TreeModel are messed up. This is more or less the approach used in this..
Get Edited TreeNode from a CellEditorListener new Resource three final DefaultTreeModel treeModel new DefaultTreeModel root tree new JTree treeModel tree.setEditable.. treeModel new DefaultTreeModel root tree new JTree treeModel tree.setEditable true editor new MyTreeCellEditor tree DefaultTreeCellRenderer..
Uncertainties regarding Implementation of Actions and Usage of a single Model with multiple Views textField new JTextField 10 ... final DefaultTreeModel treeModel new DefaultTreeModel root tree new JTree treeModel tree.addTreeSelectionListener.. treeModel new DefaultTreeModel root tree new JTree treeModel tree.addTreeSelectionListener new TreeSelectionListener @Override..
JTree add nodes on startup of application new DefaultMutableTreeNode dirTitle DefaultTreeModel treeModel new DefaultTreeModel rootNode public MyTextEditor tree new JTree.. rootNode public MyTextEditor tree new JTree treeModel tree.setEditable false tree.getSelectionModel .setSelectionMode.. view and user.dir for the starting directory. TreeModel treeModel new FileTreeModel new File System.getProperty user.dir OutlineModel..
List of useful environment settings in Java rootNode new DefaultMutableTreeNode Media DefaultTreeModel treeModel new DefaultTreeModel rootNode DefaultMutableTreeNode imageNode.. new DefaultMutableTreeNode md tree new JTree treeModel tree.setRootVisible false tree.getSelectionModel .setSelectionMode..