java Programming Glossary: treepath
Get Edited TreeNode from a CellEditorListener public void editingStopped ChangeEvent e TreePath path CustomTreeCellEditor e.getSource .getLastPath This gives.. .getName and this code in the CustomTreeCellEditor public TreePath getLastPath return lastPath I got the same error I expected.. @Override public void valueChanged TreeSelectionEvent e TreePath path e.getNewLeadSelectionPath if path null DefaultMutableTreeNode..
How to add checkbox to JTree node to manage multiselection? tree path. for example clear all selected path in order TreePath paths getCheckTreeManager .getSelectionModel .getSelectionPaths.. .getSelectionModel .getSelectionPaths if paths null for TreePath tp paths getCheckTreeManager .getSelectionModel .removeSelectionPath.. javax.swing.tree.TreeCellRenderer import javax.swing.tree.TreePath import javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel public class FileTreeViewer..
List of useful environment settings in Java ii tree.expandRow ii String paths path.split int row 0 TreePath treePath null for String prefix paths treePath tree.getNextMatch..
How to search a particular node in jtree and make that node expanded.? you can search your TreeModel recursively and obtain a TreePath to the resulting node. Once you have the desired path it's easy.. path Addendum Here's one way to obtain a TreePath . private TreePath find DefaultMutableTreeNode root String s.. Addendum Here's one way to obtain a TreePath . private TreePath find DefaultMutableTreeNode root String s @SuppressWarnings..