java Programming Glossary: treenode
Primefaces page layout with tree menu as navigation p layoutUnit and in the TreeBean I have root new DefaultTreeNode Root null TreeNode node0 new DefaultTreeNode Color root TreeNode.. in the TreeBean I have root new DefaultTreeNode Root null TreeNode node0 new DefaultTreeNode Color root TreeNode node00 new DefaultTreeNode.. new DefaultTreeNode Root null TreeNode node0 new DefaultTreeNode Color root TreeNode node00 new DefaultTreeNode Red node0 TreeNode..
Get Edited TreeNode from a CellEditorListener Edited TreeNode from a CellEditorListener Earlier I asked how to fire an event.. Earlier I asked how to fire an event when a TreeNode was renamed here . My question was answered but I ran into another.. but I ran into another problem. I need to access the TreeNode that is being edited in the CellEditorListener's editingStopped..
easy and fast JTree Cell Editor extends JPanel private JTree tree private DefaultMutableTreeNode root private DefaultTreeCellEditor editor public TreeEditDemo.. super.setLayout new GridLayout root new DefaultMutableTreeNode Nodes root.add new MyResourceNode new Resource one first root.add.. EventObject e return super.isCellEditable e TreeNode lastPath.getLastPathComponent .isLeaf public static class MyResourceNode..
Generic tree implementation in Java share improve this question Here it comes abstract class TreeNode implements Iterable TreeNode private Set TreeNode children public.. Here it comes abstract class TreeNode implements Iterable TreeNode private Set TreeNode children public TreeNode children new HashSet.. class TreeNode implements Iterable TreeNode private Set TreeNode children public TreeNode children new HashSet TreeNode public..
Updating ImageIcon in JTree without repainting the Tree? private string status OK in the UserObject of a DefaultTreeNode . I have a CustomRenderer which implements DefaultCellRenderer.. the Icon by rendering the OK attribute of UserObject of a TreeNode . Originally when I select a node the icon changes. I am using.. I tried doing TreeModel.nodesChanged new DefaultMutableTreeNode myUserObject but the TreeNodeChanged event will not fire. So..
Filtering on a JTree tree value arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 DefaultMutableTreeNode node DefaultMutableTreeNode value if matchesFilter node c.setForeground.. arg4 arg5 arg6 DefaultMutableTreeNode node DefaultMutableTreeNode value if matchesFilter node c.setForeground Color.BLACK return.. lblNull private boolean matchesFilter DefaultMutableTreeNode node return node.toString .contains textField.getText private..