java Programming Glossary: true
Overriding equals and hashCode in Java Object obj if obj null return false if obj this return true if obj instanceof Person return false Person rhs Person obj..
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests? query parameters Setting the URLConnection#setDoOutput to true implicitly sets the request method to POST. The standard HTTP.. new URL url .openConnection connection.setDoOutput true Triggers POST. connection.setRequestProperty Accept Charset.. output you still need to set URLConnection#setDoOutput to true . HttpURLConnection httpConnection HttpURLConnection new URL..
GUI not working after rewriting to MVC controller new Controller model view view.setVisible true Model import java.util.Random public class Model static final.. pinsRepaint false int pinsToRepaint boolean isUpdate true isPlaying true isRowFull false static final int HIT_X 270 290.. false int pinsToRepaint boolean isUpdate true isPlaying true isRowFull false static final int HIT_X 270 290 310 290 310 HIT_Y..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? group url pattern .jsp url pattern scripting invalid true scripting invalid jsp property group jsp config In Facelets..
Is Java “pass-by-reference”? goes like this public void foo Dog d d.getName .equals Max true d new Dog Fifi d.getName .equals Fifi true Dog aDog new Dog.. .equals Max true d new Dog Fifi d.getName .equals Fifi true Dog aDog new Dog Max foo aDog aDog.getName .equals Max true.. Dog aDog new Dog Max foo aDog aDog.getName .equals Max true In this example aDog.getName will still return Max . d is not..
How to add JTable in JPanel final JCheckBox pack new JCheckBox Pack on PLAF change true plafComponents.add pack plafChooser.addActionListener new.. new JTable model try 1.6 table.setAutoCreateRowSorter true catch Exception continuewithNoSort JScrollPane tableScroll.. null try 1.6 frame.setLocationByPlatform true frame.setMinimumSize frame.getSize catch Throwable ignoreAndContinue..
Java Integer: Constant Pool Integer i1 127 Integer i2 127 System.out.println i1 i2 True Integer i1 new Integer 127 Integer i2 new Integer 127 System.out.println..
Strings are objects in Java, so why don't we use 'new' to create them? time. So you will have String a abcd String b abcd a b True but if you had String a new String abcd String b new String..
Class with single method — best approach? there are exceptions to my dislike of static methods. True utility classes that do not pose any risk to bloat are excellent..
What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers? traverse the DOM using the verbose NodeList and Node APIs. True XPath makes the life easier but still it's another learning..
Right way to implement equals contract if age other.age return false All passed. return true True that's lot of code when there are a lot of properties. A bit..
how to check wifi or 3g network is available on android device Internet Connection on the device. @param ctx @return True if device has internet Code from http
Difference between string object and string literal [duplicate] object String a abc String b abc System.out.println a b True Here two different objects are created and they have different..
How can I download all emails with attachments from Gmail? fp open att_path 'wb' fp.write part.get_payload decode True fp.close Wowww That was something. But try the same in Java..
How does this regex find triangular numbers? r new Regex @ ^ 1. ^. Console.WriteLine r.IsMatch aababc True Console.WriteLine r.IsMatch 1121231234 True Console.WriteLine.. aababc True Console.WriteLine r.IsMatch 1121231234 True Console.WriteLine r.IsMatch iLoveRegEx False for int n 0 n 50..
True random generation in Java random generation in Java I was reading the Math.random javadoc..
How to capture video using JMF, but without installing JMF the dll's that JMF needs are in their correct spot @return True if all dlls are in their correct spot false otherwise public..
java: how to both read and write to & from process thru pipe (stdin/stdout) code from subprocess import Popen PIPE p Popen cmd shell True stdin PIPE stdout PIPE child_stdin child_stdout p.stdin p.stdout..
Embed .swf file to my Jframe that flash player needs are in their correct spot @return True if all the dlls could be found false otherwise public static..
Printing my Mac's serial number in java using Unix commands Is there something in java similar to the argument shell True in python's Popen command stdout PIPE shell True that will allow.. shell True in python's Popen command stdout PIPE shell True that will allow me to pass the whole command string java osx..
Java Text on Image not as JPEG. I assume your desktop screen is running in True Color 32 or 24 bits color depth right Are you sure that the..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android GET c.setRequestProperty Youtubedl no compression True c.setRequestProperty User Agent YouTube c.setDoOutput true..
List of useful environment settings in Java Accelerated gc i .getImageCapabilities .isAccelerated True Volatile gc i .getImageCapabilities .isTrueVolatile tabPane.addTab.. True Volatile gc i .getImageCapabilities .isTrueVolatile tabPane.addTab Graphics Environment getOutputWidgetForContent..
JUnit theory for hashCode/equals contract Transitivity involving the Point and ColorPoint classes. True your implementation doesn't prevent someone from writing a test..
IllegalStateException with Hibernate 4 and ManyToOne cascading Component c2.setName comp System.out.println c1.equals c2 TRUE MyItem item new MyItem item.setId 5 item.setDefaultComponent..
what is wrong with this call to the java method? callbackMethod NULL printf One of them is null n called TRUE And finally in your LowLoevelKeyboardProc code you will have..
If/else statements in ANTLR using listeners atom OPAR expr CPAR #parExpr INT FLOAT #numberAtom TRUE FALSE #booleanAtom ID #idAtom STRING #stringAtom NIL #nilAtom.. ' ' ASSIGN ' ' OPAR ' ' CPAR ' ' OBRACE ' ' CBRACE ' ' TRUE 'true' FALSE 'false' NIL 'nil' IF 'if' ELSE 'else' WHILE 'while'..
how to retransform a class at runtime Add transformer support redefine. return TRUE support retransforme. return TRUE IsModifiable class class Person.. support redefine. return TRUE support retransforme. return TRUE IsModifiable class class Person . return TRUE Retransform classes.. return TRUE IsModifiable class class Person . return TRUE Retransform classes Number of times to Call transform in DemoTransformer..
How do you continuously read a file in Java? since changed the line while br.nextLine to just while TRUE java file io tail share improve this question This in somewhat..
I don't know when to use a Service or AsyncTask or Handler a Service or AsyncTask or Handler Can someone tell me the TRUE difference java android service handler android asynctask ..
h2 (embedded mode ) database files problem users aeter db h2test.db For convenience append IFEXISTS TRUE to avoid creating spurious database files. See Connecting to..
Can java.util.regex.Pattern do partial matches? m.hitEnd output AA full match FALSE partial match TRUE BB full match FALSE partial match FALSE share improve this..
problem formatting fields in a JTable - differences between Integer and Double row row col col if col 1 System.out.println TRUE return true return false note generated keys must be in the.. row row col col if col 1 System.out.println TRUE return true return false @Override protected Object getGeneratedKeys..
Tomcat 6, JMX and the dynamic port problem false TRUE CATALINA_HOME conf.. false TRUE CATALINA_HOME conf..
Painting the slider icon of JSlider encoding UTF 8 synth style id backingStyle opaque value TRUE font name Dialog size 12 state color value WHITE type BACKGROUND.. type region key . style id SliderTrackStyle opaque value TRUE state color type BACKGROUND value ORANGE state style bind style.. key SliderTrack style id SliderThumbStyle opaque value TRUE state color type BACKGROUND value RED state state value PRESSED..