java Programming Glossary: treat
Scala equivalent of Java java.lang.Class<T> Object Back in 2009 It would be useful if Scala were to treat the return from getClass as a java.lang.Class T forSome val..
Netty vs Apache MINA had slipped up. MINA was very nice to us in that we could treat UDP as a connected protocol. Under Netty there is no such abstraction... is no such abstraction. UDP is connectionless and Netty treats it as such. Netty exposes more of the connectionless nature..
Why double width = 50/110000; the output is 0.000000000000000? program requires special care. Some programming languages treat integer division i.e by giving the integer quotient as the answer..
Implemeting 2 interfaces in a class with same method.Which interface method is overridden? implementation of present and it doesn't matter how you treat johnny whether as a Gift or as a Guest there is only one method..
How slow are Java exceptions? try block will be ultra fast as the JIT can then actually treat a throw like a simple goto. It neither needs to save stack state..
What is the difference between a soft reference and a weak reference in Java? And Peter Kessler added in the comments The Sun JRE does treat SoftReferences differently from WeakReferences. We attempt to..
Java, 3 dots in parameters is always an array even if there's just one. Make sure you treat it that way in the method body. Important Note 2 The parameter..
What is the best library for Java to grid/cluster-enable your application? [closed] full version for startups. Coherence and Terracotta try to treat caches as Maps which is a fairly natural abstraction. I've used..
Port of Random generator from C to Java? x int r 0xfffffffe i i 1 mask long Qi long Q i 0xffffffffL treat as unsigned 32 bit t a Qi c c int t 32 because a is relatively.. this result is also small x int t c if x c x 0 tweak to treat x as unsigned x c return Q i r x public static void main String..
What is the point of the diamond operator in Java 7? of the assignment if possible. But it didn't and it must treat raw types and generic types differently for backwards compatibility... thing to understand is that raw types with no cannot be treated the same as generic types. When you declare a raw type you..
String concatenation: concat() vs + operator a is null then the concat method NPEs but the former will treat the original value of a as if it were null . Furthermore the..
A Java collection of value pairs? (tuples?) The collection will maintain its given order and will not treat one of the values as a unique key as in a map . Essentially..
java: “final” System.out, and System.err? them from ordinary final fields. The compiler needs to treat these fields differently from other final fields. For example.. them. Therefore the semantics dictate that these fields be treated as normal fields that cannot be changed by user code unless.. is that they are free of this limitation since they are treated in special way by the compiler. share improve this answer..
Why isn't calling a static method by way of an instance an error for the Java compiler? it. Yes you should make sure your IDE is configured to treat it as an error IMO. Should you ever design a language yourself..
The case against checked exceptions seems wrong to me. If you catch Throwable then you are treating system exceptions and VM errors and the like the same way... indicates failure by returning 0 and C foolishly lets you treat 0 as a boolean and... Basically you learn this idiom and you're..
Easiest way to merge a release into one JAR file
EL access a map value by Integer key then name 1 returns One . What's with that Why does c out treat a number as a long. Seems counterintuitive to me as int is more..
Seeking clarification on apparent contradictions regarding weakly typed languages block. In an unsafe block you can use pointer magic to treat an int as a float violating type safety or to write to memory..