java Programming Glossary: translucency
Translucent JPopupMenu inside a Translucent Window - alternative? true window.setVisible true java swing awt translucency share improve this question Try this code part I had used..
Swing: resizing a JFrame like Frames in Linux e.g System.out.println Per pixel translucency is not supported System.exit 0 JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated.. System.out.println Per pixel translucency is not supported System.exit 0 JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated..
How to distribute AWTUtilities that describe how to achieve native transparency and translucency with pure Java. The needed classes reside on com.sun.awt namely..
How to make a transparant Jframe in Java but keep everything else the same? args new SplashDemo java swing jframe transparency translucency share improve this question Basically you need to make a..
Can't transparent and undecorated JFrame in JDK7 when enabling nimbus OTN Daniweb CodeRanch java swing java 7 nimbus translucency share improve this question accepted answer by @JamesCherrill..
Java / Swing -> Creating a notification JFrame, and the error “The frame is displayable” modify End of variables declaration java swing nimbus translucency share improve this question 1 thanks for this thread your..
Creating a dot/pixel outside of a JFrame, any location on the screen main String args Determine if the GraphicsDevice supports translucency. GraphicsEnvironment ge GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment.. f.setOpacity snm.getNumber .intValue 100f JSpinner translucency new JSpinner snm spinners.add new JLabel Translucency spinners.add.. snm spinners.add new JLabel Translucency spinners.add translucency ChangeListener trListener new ChangeListener @Override public..
Is The Java Tutorials Translucent Window example giving trouble to those playing with jdk7? What it is... What it should be... java swing java 7 translucency netbeans7.0 share improve this question Right from the JavaDocs.. to set the opacity value less than 1.0f The TRANSLUCENT translucency must be supported by the underlying system The window must be..