java Programming Glossary: translate
Experience migrating legacy Cobol/PL1 to Java to Java converter. Looks quite interesting it was used to translate 4m lines of Cobol with 100 accuracy. Here's the NACA open source..
Last row always removed from DefaultTableModel, regardless of index which advises When using a sorter always remember to translate cell coordinates. Also consider using a ListSelectionListener..
decompiling DEX into Java sourcecode called dex2jar which is made by a Chinese student. It will translate dex files to jar files. Then you can use jd gui . The source..
Why is each public class in a separate file? Emphasis is mine. It seems like basically they wanted to translate the OS's directory separator into dots for namespaces and vice..
Custom JUnit Report? xsl variable name class.href xsl value of select concat translate .. @package '.' ' ' ' ' .. @id '_' .. @name '.html' xsl variable..
How to convert UTF-8 to US-Ascii in Java which only accepts US Ascii 7 bit So now we'll need to translate all European characters to the nearest US Ascii. Is there any..
Before writing a Java Date to an SQL TIMESTAMP column, does JDBC translate the date from the JVM time zone to the database session time zone? writing a Java Date to an SQL TIMESTAMP column does JDBC translate the date from the JVM time zone to the database session time.. writing a Java Date to an SQL TIMESTAMP column does JDBC translate the date from the Java virtual machine time zone to that of..
How to iteratively generate k elements subsets from a set of size n in java? runs out of memory for larger problems. Now I'm trying to translate an iterative function written in python to java so that I can..
Rotating BufferedImage instances imageobserver . The code example below rotates and translates an image to the center of the component. This is a screenshot.. them backwards AffineTransform at new AffineTransform 4. translate it to the center of the component at.translate getWidth 2 getHeight.. 4. translate it to the center of the component at.translate getWidth 2 getHeight 2 3. do the actual rotation at.rotate..
In Java, when should I create a checked exception, and when should it be a runtime exception? [duplicate] code but there are techniques to deal with this. I like to translate exceptions when passing a layer boundary. For example if I'm..
Text-mouseover popups over a Swing JTextArea? modelToView and viewToModel . The latter should let you translate the mouse location into a document offset. share improve this..
How can I use a custom bitmap for the “you are here” point in a MyLocationOverlay? mapView Location lastFix GeoPoint myLocation long when translate the GeoPoint to screen pixels Point screenPts mapView.getProjection..
Passing current Date xIncr if location.y 0 location.y WIDTH yIncr yIncr translate xIncr yIncr location.setLocation location.x xIncr location.y.. location.y frame.getContentPane .getHeight 20 yIncr yIncr translate xIncr yIncr location.setLocation location.x xIncr location.y..
Java library to compare image similarity of some relevant techniques which you might be able to translate into Java yourself. That's the best my google skills could do..
Layering multiple GlassPane's in a Root Container frame.getContentPane .getHeight 20 yIncr yIncr translate xIncr yIncr location.setLocation location.x xIncr location.y..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method a Get and Post method for an android project and I need to translate HttpClient 3.x to HttpClient 4.x using by android . My problem..
rotating coordinate plane for data and text in Java g2d.getTransform save the graphics context's transform g2d.translate leftStartPlotWindow blueTop translate origin to bottom left.. transform g2d.translate leftStartPlotWindow blueTop translate origin to bottom left corner of blue rectangle g2d.scale 1 1.. g2d.getTransform Translate the origin to the center. g2d.translate w 2 h 2 Invert the y axis. g2d.scale 1 1 Render using cartesian..