java Programming Glossary: transient
What are the differences between the different saving methods in Hibernate? falter. The important thing here is the difference between transient detached and persistant entities. For more info on the object.. so Hibernate knows what has changed. But when you have a transient object there is no session involved. In these cases you need.. for saviing. persist As mentioned above this is used on transient objects. It does not return the generated ID. share improve..
Order of values retrieved from a HashMap of HashMap you can deduce that there is a complex transient relationship between the iteration order the keys' hash values..
Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance over what to and what not to clone for example using transient or String ignoreProperties so reinventing the wheel isn't preferred...
Map enum in JPA with fixed values? the enum to an other field and mark the enum field as transient @Basic private int intValueForAnEnum @PrePersist void populateDBFields..
Spring session-scoped beans (controllers) and references to services, in terms of serialization Recently I thought of declaring all my spring dependencies transient and getting them back in readResolve by the static utility classes..
How to create dynamic JSF 1.2 form fields with SelectMany CheckMany etc Type type Type.TEXT default transient Boolean option Boolean.FALSE This is a transient variable used.. default transient Boolean option Boolean.FALSE This is a transient variable used for Radio CheckOne etc public enum Type TEXT SECRET..
Should I write equals() methods in JPA entities? if your entity will never go into a collection. But for transient entities with no identifier that go into collections it causes..
Hibernate batch size confusion main TRACE o.h.e.d.DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener saving transient instance 11 02 56.122 main DEBUG o.h.e.def.AbstractSaveEventListener..
Why does Java have transient variables? does Java have transient variables Why does Java have transient variables java variables.. does Java have transient variables Why does Java have transient variables java variables transient share improve this question.. Why does Java have transient variables java variables transient share improve this question The transient keyword in Java..