java Programming Glossary: transformed
How does the String class override the + operator? will be able to notice that the compiler has internally transformed the following statement cip ciop into new StringBuilder cip..
Why does Java switch on ordinal ints appear to run faster with added cases? in an array of pointers sometimes the switch table is transformed into what looks like a lookupswitch similar to if else if structure..
how to retransform a class at runtime operation . When this call returns your class will be transformed. Remove the transformer with Intrumentation.removeTransformer..
Why new String(bytes, enc).getBytes(enc) does not return the original byte array? b new byte 256 for int i 0 i 256 i b i byte i 128 byte transformed new String b cp1251 .getBytes cp1251 for int i 0 i b.length.. b cp1251 .getBytes cp1251 for int i 0 i b.length i if b i transformed i System.out.println Wrong i For cp1251 this outputs only one..
How to check if my string is equal to null? and as a consequence null assigned to this variable was transformed to null So if myString.equals null works. java string null..
How to encrypt and decrypt data in Java? [closed] keyPair.getPrivate Public and private keys can also be transformed into byte arrays for storage and transmission import
What is the Most Efficient Java-Based streaming XSLT Processor? is read from the input turned into a small tree in memory transformed and written to the output file. This approach works well for..
String length differs from Javascript to Java code with. The problem in your case is that the string gets transformed during the HTTP transmission. If you absolutely must ensure..
As a Java developer, C or C++? [closed] appropriately be called C with classes . Since then C has transformed completely into its own language with its own way of doing things...
Rotating BufferedImage instances image at null continue drawing other stuff non transformed ... frame.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.setSize..
ANTLR: From CommonTree to useful object graph Space ' ' skip Now an expression like 10 2 3 8 will be transformed to 3 To create a tree grammar that generates an iterator for..
Pixel-Perfect Collision Detection Android set up around each of the images each bounding box is transformed to match the current rotation of the image. That all works great...
The case against checked exceptions a method throws an IOException the IOException should be transformed into an exception that is more suited for what is going on...
problem formatting fields in a JTable - differences between Integer and Double suggest to me that because an Integer and a Double can be transformed into String this won't cause problem. Anyway I would like to..
A rotated square panel in Java GUI must remain usable event coordinates should also be transformed. Compare this considerably more complex example that mirrors..
How a AST for an object oriented programming language would look like? basically derived from your grammar definition but has for transformed Exp Ident BinOp Ident into x y x y All in all..
XML shredding via XSLT in Java given the 5 different Job blocks in the above example the transformed shredded XML would be Employee name A Name Address 123 A Street..
What hashing function does Java use to implement Hashtable class? OpenJDK the flow of execution is the following The key is transformed into a 32 bit value using the developer defined hashCode method... defined hashCode method. The 32 bit value is then transformed by a second hash function of which Andrew's answer contains..