

java Programming Glossary: proc

Java Refuses to Start - Could not reserve enough space for object heap


where our output is written All our machines have 2 processors hyperthreaded with 4gb of physical memory and 4gb of swap.. swap space. We limit the number of 'jobs' each machine can process at a given time to 6 this number likely needs to change but.. been adding more machines and the new ones are SuSE. 'cat proc version' on the SuSE boxes give us Linux version 2.6.5 7.244..

Execute another jar in a java program


B to execute B.jar .Also i want to output the runtime process detail in my GUI program. Any suggestion java share improve.. it appears you want to run the jars in a separate process from inside your java GUI application. To do this you can.. To do this you can use Run a java app in a separate system process Process proc Runtime.getRuntime .exec java jar A.jar Then..

How to discover memory usage of my application in Android


system is coming to having no more memory for background processes thus needing to start killing needed processes like services... background processes thus needing to start killing needed processes like services. For pure Java applications this should be.. to get this information about another process http developer.android.com intl de reference android app..

Java VM: reproducable SIGSEGV on both 1.6.0_17 and 1.6.0_18, how to report?


SIGSEGV happens on a Linux machine with more than one proc and more than 2GB of mem so Java is defaulting to the server.. leaked . Should I just edit the log and send it What's the procedure to report such reproducible SIGSEGV when your log contains..

run shell command from java


is the code public String execRuntime String cmd Process proc null int inBuffer errBuffer int result 0 StringBuffer outputReport.. StringBuffer StringBuffer errorBuffer new StringBuffer try proc Runtime.getRuntime .exec cmd catch IOException e return try.. catch IOException e return try response.status 1 result proc.waitFor catch InterruptedException e return if proc null null..

Shutting down a computer using Java


IOException Runtime runtime Runtime.getRuntime Process proc runtime.exec shutdown s t 0 System.exit 0 share improve this..

Reading streams from java Runtime.exec


Runtime.exec I have the following snippet of code Process proc runtime.exec command errorGobbler new ErrorStreamGobbler proc.getErrorStream.. runtime.exec command errorGobbler new ErrorStreamGobbler proc.getErrorStream logErrors mdcMap outputGobbler new OutputStreamGobbler.. logErrors mdcMap outputGobbler new OutputStreamGobbler proc.getInputStream mdcMap executor.execute errorGobbler executor.execute..

Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android?


void rebootSU Runtime runtime Runtime.getRuntime Process proc null OutputStreamWriter osw null StringBuilder sbstdOut new.. String command system bin reboot try Run Script proc runtime.exec su osw new OutputStreamWriter proc.getOutputStream.. Run Script proc runtime.exec su osw new OutputStreamWriter proc.getOutputStream osw.write command osw.flush osw.close catch..

java runtime.getruntime() getting output from executing a command line program


String commands system.exe send argument Process proc rt.exec commands I tried doing system.out.print proc but that.. proc rt.exec commands I tried doing system.out.print proc but that did not return anything. The execution of that command.. I am using now String commands system.exe get t Process proc rt.exec commands InputStream stdin proc.getInputStream InputStreamReader..

Limit jvm process memory on ubuntu


jvm process memory on ubuntu I know there are same questions like this.. the app started and I check the memory usage by typing cat proc 10413 status and I found the vmsize is more than 600512 kB which.. I'd like to know how to limit the jvm memory usage of the process. Name java State S sleeping Tgid 10413 Pid 10413 PPid 1 TracerPid..