

java Programming Glossary: privileges

Privileged operations in netbeans mobility


the user for permission. java netbeans java me sms privileges share improve this question The MIDP security model needs..

JDBC Connection: Access Denied for User even All Previlleges are Granted [closed]


an external public IP address and you would need to grant privileges for that user to be able to connect from a remote host. It is..

Java: Patching client side security policy from applet for AES256


directory but I assume some user's will not have these privileges. Is there a simple way around this issue or am I stuck with..

Request admin privileges for Java app on Windows Vista


admin privileges for Java app on Windows Vista When I try to create a new task.. My question is how can I force a java app to reuest admin privileges right after startup java windows vista scheduler access denied..

Is there a mechanism to distribute an app with its own JRE?


depend on the installed JRE or on the user having enough privileges to install one. On the Mac I don't want to depend on Apple I..

Android Debugging InetAddress.isReachable


Android b c it tries to use ICMP that usually needs a root privileges and then it tries to establish connection to port 7 that's usually..

What is the “Execute Around” idiom?


transaction handling logging executing some code with more privileges etc. It's basically a bit like the template method pattern but..

Want to know whether enough memory is free on a linux machine to deploy a new application


How to Ping External IP from Java Android


reliably to the internet as it would require root privileges. It means you can only ping the local router . share..

Upload a picture from Android to PHP server


problem it turned out that my directory gave no write privileges. Is the error from Java or from Apache share improve this..

Detect if Java application was run as a Windows admin


there anyway I can tell if the process was run with admin privileges on Windows 7. java windows admin privileges share improve.. with admin privileges on Windows 7. java windows admin privileges share improve this question I found this code snippet online..

Java - Loading dlls by a relative path and hide them inside a jar


f.getAbsolutePath I think this could be an access privileges issue but don't know how to solve it. What do you think Thanks..

ANDROID: How to gain root access in an Android application?


I know you can only run command line commands using root privileges. You can use this generic class I made that wraps the root access..

Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android?


use anyway. For the moment I'm able to get the superuser privileges with Process root Runtime.getRuntime .exec su But I can't do..

How to restrict Android device to not open some specific site e.g.youtube, facebook


user to another destination. You your app will need root privileges to edit the file. Beside the webbrowser s don't forget to check..



calling code may not have. The doPrivileged asserts the privileges of the calling class irrespective of how it was called. Clearly.. love the conciseness of Java's syntax Without asserting privileges this can be rewritten as String lineSeparator System.getProperty..

Why does InetAddress.isReachable return false, when I can ping the IP address?


slow or maybe even if there is some funniness in your privileges system settings if could return false negatives i.e. it could..