

java Programming Glossary: priorities

How to run a task daily from Java?


Scheduling for Java is a way of organising processing priorities based on goals. Job Scheduler is a batch program operating as..

Cassandra Client Java API's


Thrift Avoid Me This is the low level API. Below are our priorities in deciding Cassandra Client First priorities are low latency.. are our priorities in deciding Cassandra Client First priorities are low latency overhead Asynch API and reliability stability..

Controlling the classpath in a servlet


first I've tried searching for some specification of the priorities of the various classpath elements in a servlet e.g. does WEB..

JScrollpane needs to shrink its width


inner panel to gracefully disappear using specific shrink priorities and the like in my miglayout when the user shrinks the scrollpane..

How are Java Thread priorities translated to an OS thread priority?


are Java Thread priorities translated to an OS thread priority How are the java API thread.. to an OS thread priority How are the java API thread priorities 1 10 gets translated to the OS level priorities since most OS.. API thread priorities 1 10 gets translated to the OS level priorities since most OS don't have thread priority levels in terms of..

Production settings file for log4j?


How do I implement task prioritization using an ExecutorService in Java 5?


mechanism in which I'd like to execute tasks of varying priorities. I'd like to have a nice mechanism whereby I can submit a high..