

java Programming Glossary: printerexception

Append text for printing before and after a JTable


int print Graphics g PageFormat pf int pageIndex throws PrinterException Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g g2d.translate pf.getImageableX pf.getImageableY..

Print text File to specific printer in java


int print Graphics g PageFormat pf int pageIndex throws PrinterException int interline 12 Graphics2D g2 Graphics2D g g2.setFont new Font.. g2.drawString s x y catch IOException e throw new PrinterException File to print does not exist ticket.getAbsolutePath return.. void printTicketFile File ticket int orientation throws PrinterException if ticket.exists throw new PrinterException Ticket to print..

How to print strings with line breaks in java


mText static public void main String args throws PrinterException PrinterService ps new PrinterService PrintService pss ps.getCheckPrintService.. .getName System.out.println Print compleated.. catch PrinterException exception System.err.println Printing error exception exception.printStackTrace..

Printing reciepts with thermal printer in java


Graphics graphics PageFormat pageFormat int page throws PrinterException if page 0 return NO_SUCH_PAGE pageFormat.setOrientation PageFormat.LANDSCAPE.. statement if job.printDialog ... try job.print catch PrinterException e System.err.println e.getMessage What is the problem and how..

Aligning messageformat on printing a JTable


header footer true aset true catch java.awt.print.PrinterException e System.err.format Cannot print s n e.getMessage java table.. public int print Graphics g PageFormat pf int index throws PrinterException if index 0 return NO_SUCH_PAGE String s new Date .toString Graphics2D..

MessageFormat header/footerFormat how to change Font for JTable printing


graphics PageFormat pageFormat int pageIndex throws PrinterException grab an untainted graphics Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D graphics.create..

Printing a large Swing component


public int print Graphics g PageFormat pf int page throws PrinterException if page pf.getImageableHeight SCALE comp.getHeight return.. return PAGE_EXISTS if job.printDialog try job.print catch PrinterException ex If I do this the component has zero size JPanel c createPanel..

How can I print a single JPanel's contents?


if pj.printDialog false return try pj.print catch PrinterException ex handle exception Hope this can help others. share improve..