java Programming Glossary: processors
Are java primitive ints atomic by design or by accident? but it does have to. From section 17.6 of the spec Some processors do not provide the ability to write to a single byte. It would.. This problem is sometimes known as word tearing and on processors that cannot easily update a single byte in isolation some other..
How many hardware details can a Java Applet Discover? Generally what I'm looking for is Number of cores and or processors 32 bit vs 64 bit CPU CPU Cache line size Size of L1 L2 L3 cache.. provides getAvailableProcessors The number of available processors equivalent Runtime.availableProcessors getSystemLoadAverage.. Runtime class can provide information such as Number of processors or cores or logical threads presumably available to the JVM..
Java Refuses to Start - Could not reserve enough space for object heap where our output is written All our machines have 2 processors hyperthreaded with 4gb of physical memory and 4gb of swap space...
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? complete. Then you continue down the correct path. Modern processors are complicated and have long pipelines. So they take forever..
How do I optimize for multi-core and multi-CPU computers in Java? to use and how those threads are mapped to physical processors. You do have some options for tuning. For example I found this..
Which is the best CSV Parser in java? [closed] UserBean user while user UserBean.class header processors null System.out.println user.getZip finally inFile.close Without..
JavaFX or Swing? [closed] outdated. For example JavaFX is now available on ARM processors and a version for ios and android is soon going to be open sourced..
How to intentionally cause a custom java compiler warning message? to emit a warning. The tool that runs such annotation processors is called APT. You can find an indroduction on this page . I..
JAVA: How to scale threads according to cpu cores? . Once you have determined the number of processors available create that number of threads and split up your work.. that you call the above method and find that it returns 2 processors. Awesome. Now you can create a loop that generates a new Thread.. Here's some psuedocode to demonstrate what I mean int processors Runtime.getRuntime .availableProcessors for int i 0 i processors..
Why doesn't String's hashCode() cache 0? since posting this a couple hours ago I've let one of my processors run wild looking for two word phrases with zero hash codes...
Using Java to get OS-level system information Main public static void main String args Total number of processors or cores available to the JVM System.out.println Available processors.. or cores available to the JVM System.out.println Available processors cores Runtime.getRuntime .availableProcessors Total amount..
How is the default java heap size determined? has been defined as a machine with 2 or more physical processors 2 or more Gbytes of physical memory with the exception of 32..
Is System.nanoTime() completely useless? problems with the TSC not being synchronized on different processors in SMP systems and due the fact its frequency can vary and hence.. says Is clock_gettime CLOCK_REALTIME consistent across all processors cores Does arch matter e.g. ppc arm x86 amd64 sparc . It should.. and Motorola unlike Intel actually know how to design microprocessors . There's no mention of SPARC or Solaris sadly. And of course..