

java Programming Glossary: proc.getinputstream

Monitoring battery or power supply of laptop from java


stdInput new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader proc.getInputStream String s while s stdInput.readLine null if s.contains mains..

Execute another jar in a java program


jar A.jar Then retreive the process output InputStream in proc.getInputStream InputStream err proc.getErrorStream Its always good practice..



Process proc rt.exec dumpCommand InputStream in proc.getInputStream BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..

Process.waitFor(), threads, and InputStreams


proc runtime.exec command processOutputStreamInThread proc.getInputStream processOutputStreamInThread proc.getErrorStream proc.waitFor.. true Process proc pb.start processOutputStream proc.getInputStream proc.waitFor java multithreading process inputstream share..

How to programmatically detect if a process is running with Java under Windows?


input new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader proc.getInputStream OutputStreamWriter oStream new OutputStreamWriter proc.getOutputStream..

run shell command from java


catch InterruptedException e return if proc null null proc.getInputStream InputStream is proc.getInputStream InputStream es proc.getErrorStream.. if proc null null proc.getInputStream InputStream is proc.getInputStream InputStream es proc.getErrorStream OutputStream os proc.getOutputStream..

Reading streams from java Runtime.exec


logErrors mdcMap outputGobbler new OutputStreamGobbler proc.getInputStream mdcMap executor.execute errorGobbler executor.execute outputGobbler..

How to make a java program to print both out.println() and err.println() statements?


Process proc pb.start Reader reader new InputStreamReader proc.getInputStream int ch while ch reader.read 1 System.out.print char ch reader.close..

Run external program concurrently


reading from the program final Scanner in new Scanner proc.getInputStream new Thread public void run while in.hasNextLine System.out.println..

java runtime.getruntime() getting output from executing a command line program


get t Process proc rt.exec commands InputStream stdin proc.getInputStream InputStreamReader isr new InputStreamReader stdin BufferedReader.. stdInput new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader proc.getInputStream BufferedReader stdError new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..

Run external program from Java, read output, allow interruption


true Process proc pb.start InputStream is proc.getInputStream InputStreamReader isr new InputStreamReader is BufferedReader..