

java Programming Glossary: processing

Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?


is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array Here is a piece..

How can I lock a file using java (if possible)


that lists a folder and opens each file in the listing for processing it. It processes each file after the other. The processing of.. processing it. It processes each file after the other. The processing of each file consists of reading it and doing some calculations..

What is a stack overflow error?


example your app may be handling paint messages and whilst processing them it may call a function that causes the system to send another..

Which Html Parser is best? [closed]


Web is usually dirty ill formed and unsuitable for further processing. For any serious consumption of such documents it is necessary..

XSS prevention in Java


over there. Some may opt to escape them during request processing as you do in Servlet instead of response processing as you do.. processing as you do in Servlet instead of response processing as you do in JSP but this way you may risk that the data unnecessarily..

How slow are Java exceptions?


indicate whether to return or throw . This way the actual processing is the same. I tried running the methods in different orders..

What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers?


the W3C DOM API part of the JAXP API Java API for XML processing and gives you a org.w3c.dom.Document back which is ready for..

How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files?


to transform data also called value objects returned from processing the client's requests into a proper client ready format. Even.. to invoke some Java code to postprocess a request e.g. processing a form submit then implement a servlet and write code accordingly..

Java Swing button colors


table should be changed to orange. When it is under processing it should be flashing color. How to do this in java I will take..

How to create dynamic JSF 1.2 form fields


the Field#getType to be an enum since that eases the processing in the Java code side. You can then use a switch statement instead..

Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java


unescape a Java string literal in Java I'm processing some Java source code using Java. I'm extracting the string..

What is the purpose of the expression “new String(…)” in Java?


for the few lines I held on to for a longer time than processing the file I was forced to use new String to work around it. The..

Generate/get xpath from XML node java


1 ' ' xsl if xsl element xsl when xsl when test self processing instruction Processing Instruction xsl element name nodeName.. xsl element name nodeName xsl value of select 'processing instruction ' xsl variable name thisPosition select count.. variable name thisPosition select count preceding sibling processing instruction xsl variable name numFollowing select count following..

Calling awt Frame methods from subclass


PApplets contents and load another PApplet in java awt processing share improve this question In order to answer How to call.. java.awt.BorderLayout import javax.swing.JFrame import processing.core.PApplet public class ExampleFrame extends JFrame private.. me Modified Menu.java import java.awt.Container import processing.core.PApplet import processing.core.PImage public class Menu..

How to reference components in JSF ajax? Cannot find component with identifier “foo” in view


using h form prependId false . This will fail during processing the ajax submit and render. See also this related question JSF..

How to properly stop the Thread in Java


Sleeping... Thread.sleep long 15000 LOGGER.debug Processing catch InterruptedException e LOGGER.error Exception e run.. Sleeping... Thread.sleep long 15000 LOGGER.debug Processing catch InterruptedException e LOGGER.error Exception e running..

Dealing with “Xerces hell” in Java/Maven?


in the reference implementation of the Java API for XML Processing JAXP included in the JRE. The implementation classes are repackaged..

How to execute web request in its own thread?


so update your GUI protected void onPostExecute int result Processing is complete result contains the number of results you processed..

java framework for image pattern recognition?


this question What about using the OpenCV library for Processing Technically Processing is not Java but it runs on the JVM and.. about using the OpenCV library for Processing Technically Processing is not Java but it runs on the JVM and shouldn't be difficult..

BitmapFactory.decodeStream returning null when options are set


.decodeStream . Handling large Bitmaps And here Image Processing in Android WORKS JUST FINE URL url new URL sUrl HttpURLConnection..

What is the Most Efficient Java-Based streaming XSLT Processor?


1.6.0_17 Stylesheet compilation time 190 milliseconds Processing file C temp delete MRowst.xml Building tree for file C temp..

Generate/get xpath from XML node java


finally templates are applied to all children elements . Processing an element in the 'path' mode is simple A character and the.. with the same name a numPrecSiblings 1 ` part is output. Processing of attributes is simple First all ancestor or self elements.. xsl when xsl when test self processing instruction Processing Instruction xsl element name nodeName xsl value of select..

What strategy do you use for package naming in Java projects and why?


than horizontally. I want to go in and develop the Order Processing system not the data access layer. Obviously there's a good chance..

Calling awt Frame methods from subclass


from subclass This question is about Frames Java and Processing . This questions sounds pretty convoluted but its really not... of a Papplet at a time. PApplet is the Applet class in Processing a rendering library. I have 3 classes here including the main..

Hibernate batch size confusion


02 56.125 main TRACE o.h.e.d.AbstractFlushingEventListener Processing unreferenced collections 11 02 56.125 main TRACE o.h.e.d.AbstractFlushingEventListener.. Documentation Chapter 14. Batch processing Hibernate Batch Processing Why you may not be using it. Even if you think you are share..

How can I install various Python libraries in Jython?


bin jython2.5.2b1 Lib site packages pip 1.0.2 py2.5.egg Processing dependencies for pip Finished processing dependencies for pip..

JSF 2: How show different ajax status in same input?


name loader.gif library images h outputText value Processing ... f facet a4j status a4j commandButton value Register action..

How is the fork/join framework better than a thread pool?


mLength private int mDestination private int mBlurWidth 15 Processing window size should be odd. public ForkBlur int src int start..

Java library to compare image similarity


compare images for similarity. Ok last edit The Java Image Processing Cookbook shows a Java implementation of a basic algorithm to.. are equal I would suggest starting with the Java Image Processing Cookbook since that has an implementation of an algorithm in..