

java Programming Glossary: probably

Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?


because it can't predict random data. Thus there will probably be around 50 misprediction. no better than random guessing data..

How to append text to an existing file in Java


PrintWriter gives you access to println syntax that you're probably used to from System.out . But the BufferedWriter and PrintWriter..

Converting ISO8601-compliant String to java.util.Date


use getTime on it if you need a Date object. You could probably use Joda Time as well but I don't know why you should bother..

How to discover memory usage of my application in Android


up to date with the state of Android. First thing is to probably read the last part of this article which has some discussion.. to each process and add up all of the processes you would probably end up with a number much greater than the actual total RAM... available to the system when that process goes away and probably quickly subsumed into caches and other uses of it . That is..

Trusting all certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS


Note Before you decide to trust all certificates you probably should know the site full well and won't be harmful of it to..

What is null in Java?


errors vulnerabilities and system crashes which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage in the last forty..

How to use java.net.URLConnection to fire and handle HTTP requests?


it works fine with a real web browser. The server side is probably blocking requests based on the User Agent request header. The..

What is a serialVersionUID and why should I use it?


this question The docs for java.io.Serializable are probably about as good an explanation as you'll get The serialization..

How do I set environment variables from Java?


ProcessBuilder s through it before starting them. Also you probably already know this but you can start more than one process with..

When to use LinkedList<> over ArrayList<>?


avoid Vector in favor of ArrayList since they will probably synchronize explicitly anyway if they care about that. share..

Browser can't access/find relative resources like CSS, images and links when calling a Servlet which forwards to a JSP


servlet input type submit form body However you would probably like not to hardcode the context path. Very reasonable. You..

Running Jar file in Windows


jar share improve this question Easiest route is probably upgrading or re installing the Java Runtime Environment JRE..

What is a stack trace, and how can I use it to debug my application errors?


line 16 return title This would indicate that something probably title is null in the above code. Example with a chain of exceptions..

In Java, how do I find the caller of a method using stacktrace or reflection?


Implementing back/forward buttons in Swing


In either case it's really bugging me. I imagine there are probably easier ways like a card layout but I think this approach should..

How can I put a control in the JTableHeader of a JTable?


possible from mixed content. On second thought a checkbox probably isn't the best choice either didn't dig further minimize the..

Efficiency of Java “Double Brace Initialization”?


loading a bit and makes the code a tad more obscure I'd probably shy away from it. However I plan to spring this on a friend.. when utilizing double brace initialization so it's probably not such a good idea to go too overboard with it. But as Eddie..

log4j: How to use SocketAppender?


to log4j and I have no idea how to use thas sample code. Probably I should have log4j server.properties like that log4j.appender.SERVER..

How to encrypt String in Java


some simple key which than can be used for decryption. Probably those companies could use different technologies so it would..

Garbage collection of String literals


time e.g String str java then will it be garbage collected Probably not. The code objects will contain one or more references to..

varargs and the '…' argument


because the array size is 1. I hope I have explained well. Probably a lot grammar faults 14 years old and Dutch speaking so forgive..

How to implement a single instance Java application?


with InetAddress.getByAddress new byte 127 0 0 1 Probably related to bug 4435662 . I also found bug 4665037 which reports..

How to handle invalid SSL certificates with Apache HttpClient?


more What have I to do to create simplest SSL connection Probably without KeyManager and Trust manager etc. while. java ssl https..

Named Parameter idiom in Java


Setting up the pattern is pretty verbose as you can see . Probably not worth it except for classes you plan on instantiating in..

Why doesn't Java have compound assignment versions of the conditional-and and conditional-or operators? (&&=, ||=)


compound assignment share improve this question Probably because something like x false x someComplexExpression looks..

Use of class definitions inside a method in Java


manner. Having a class definition inside a behavior. Probably can someone tell me with equivalent real world examples. Abstract..

How to do a true Java ping from Windows?


doesn't have permission to do the ICMP ECHO REQUEST . Probably both in your case you need to resolve one side or the other..

Why is an anonymous inner class containing nothing generated from this code?


for PrivateInnerClass Or you don't call the new on it Probably other things e.g. static nested etc . Possibly related Bug ID..

ExecutorService, how to wait for all tasks to finish


Callable which can give you quite a bit more flexibility. Probably in your app there is a meaningful implementation of Callable.call.. will return nulls see definition of Executors.callable . Probably what you want to do is a slight refactoring so you can get a..

What is recommended way for spawning threads from a servlet in Tomcat


way for spawning threads from a servlet in Tomcat Probably a repeat I am using Tomcat as my server and want to know what..

I don't understand file locking


of an opened stream it likely opens the file internally. Probably it is not opening the file with shared access and also opening..

How to iteratively generate k elements subsets from a set of size n in java?


start simple How would you generate all subsets of size 1 Probably like this for int i 0 i set.length i int subset i process subset..

Does subclasses inherit private fields?


a pedantic nature Yes. Is it a useful interview question Probably not. But the JLS establishes the definition for the Java world..

How do synchronized static methods work in Java?


result will be the same but only 5 times or more slower. Probably it could be better to take a look at the Transactions and Concurrency..

The case against checked exceptions


going to report to the user that the wrong row was sought Probably not because whatever the UI surrounding my table view is it..

What's the point of Guava's Optional class


share improve this question Guava team member here. Probably the single biggest disadvantage of null is that it's not obvious..