

java Programming Glossary: printwriter

How do I save a String to a text file using Java?


text rather than any binary data the following will work PrintWriter out new PrintWriter filename.txt Then write your String to it.. binary data the following will work PrintWriter out new PrintWriter filename.txt Then write your String to it just like you would..

How to append text to an existing file in Java


If you just want something simple this will work try PrintWriter out new PrintWriter new BufferedWriter new FileWriter outfilename.. something simple this will work try PrintWriter out new PrintWriter new BufferedWriter new FileWriter outfilename true out.println.. for an expensive writer i.e. a FileWriter and using a PrintWriter gives you access to println syntax that you're probably used..

How to write console output to a txt file


in.readLine create an print writer for writing to a file PrintWriter out new PrintWriter new FileWriter output.txt output to the.. an print writer for writing to a file PrintWriter out new PrintWriter new FileWriter output.txt output to the file a line out.println..

How to use java.net.URLConnection to fire and handle HTTP requests?


Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary PrintWriter writer null try OutputStream output connection.getOutputStream.. OutputStream output connection.getOutputStream writer new PrintWriter new OutputStreamWriter output charset true true autoFlush important..

Java: how to create and write to a file


that this will overwrite the file if it already exists PrintWriter writer new PrintWriter the file name.txt UTF 8 writer.println.. the file if it already exists PrintWriter writer new PrintWriter the file name.txt UTF 8 writer.println The first line writer.println..

Capture and log the response body


chain throws IOException ServletException final CopyPrintWriter writer new CopyPrintWriter response.getWriter chain.doFilter.. ServletException final CopyPrintWriter writer new CopyPrintWriter response.getWriter chain.doFilter request new HttpServletResponseWrapper.. HttpServletResponse response @Override public PrintWriter getWriter return writer logger.log writer.getCopy Here's how..

Socket using in a swing applet


final JButton send new JButton Send private volatile PrintWriter out private Scanner in private Thread thread private Kind kind.. ss.accept in new Scanner socket.getInputStream out new PrintWriter socket.getOutputStream true display Connected while true display..

Convenient way to parse incoming multipart/form-data parameters in a Servlet


Content Type multipart form data boundary boundary PrintWriter writer null try OutputStream output connection.getOutputStream.. OutputStream output connection.getOutputStream writer new PrintWriter new OutputStreamWriter output charset true true autoFlush important..

create java console inside the panel


caw new CharArrayWriter thr.printStackTrace new PrintWriter caw true textArea.append System.getProperty line.separator n..

Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class?


Server Unavailable try Log.d TCP C Sending ' message ' PrintWriter out new PrintWriter new BufferedWriter new OutputStreamWriter.. try Log.d TCP C Sending ' message ' PrintWriter out new PrintWriter new BufferedWriter new OutputStreamWriter socket.getOutputStream..