

java Programming Glossary: printgcdetails

Tracking down a memory leak / garbage-collection issue in Java.


server Xmx5g Xms4g Xss256k XX MaxPermSize 256m XX PrintGCDetails XX PrintGCTimeStamps XX UseConcMarkSweepGC XX PrintTenuringDistribution..

What does “GC--” mean in a java garbage collection log?


if evacuation_failed remove_self_forwarding_pointers if PrintGCDetails gclog_or_tty print to space overflow else if PrintGC gclog_or_tty..

Why does the Sun JVM continue to consume ever more RSS memory even when the heap, etc sizes are stable?


XX AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine XX CMSIncrementalMode XX PrintGCDetails XX PrintGCTimeStamps XX PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime XX CMSLoopWarn..

Analyze GC logs for Sun Hotspots, JVM 6


XX PrintGC XX PrintGCTimeStamps XX PrintGCDetails ...and used jstat to output logs using... jstat gc t 29045 5s..

Java VM: reproducable SIGSEGV on both 1.6.0_17 and 1.6.0_18, how to report?


XX PrintGCTimeStamps Xloggc tmp gc.log XX PrintHeapAtGC XX PrintGCDetails XX HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError XX HeapDumpPath tmp XX UseParallelGC..

How can I see which garbage collector java is using


XX PermSize 128m XX LargePageSizeInBytes 4m verbose gc XX PrintGCDetails XX PrintGCTimeStamps and the output showed 41359.597 GC PSYoungGen..

Know of any Java garbage collection log analysis tools?


the following flags verbose gc XX PrintGCTimeStamps XX PrintGCDetails The log output looks like this 54.736 Full GC 54.737 Tenured..