

java Programming Glossary: plugins

Problem building executable jar with maven


and prevent long continuous log files. description build plugins plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven.. description build plugins plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven jar plugin artifactId version 2.2 version.. nothing here plugin plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven assembly plugin artifactId version..

Classpath including JAR within a JAR


jar. I should also mention that UberJar and Shade are plugins for Maven1 and Maven2 respectively. As mentioned below you can..

What is the difference between JDK and JRE?


where your Java programs run on. It also includes browser plugins for Applet execution. JDK It's the full featured Software Development..

How to run eclipse in clean mode? and what happens if we do so?


we do so if something is not working properly.. or some plugins are loaded properly in my eclipse... i often get suggestion..

Difference of Maven JAXB plugins


of Maven JAXB plugins I have determined that two JAXB plugins for Maven 2 exist with.. of Maven JAXB plugins I have determined that two JAXB plugins for Maven 2 exist with some different configurations. The one.. mojo.codehaus.org jaxb2 maven plugin Which of these two plugins can be recommended Thanks Matt. On my little research project..

Running junit tests in parallel?


share improve this question Use maven plugin build plugins plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven.. maven plugin build plugins plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven surefire plugin artifactId version..

Java: export to an .jar file in eclipse


exe share improve this question No need for external plugins. In the Export JAR dialog make sure you select all the necessary..

Sandbox against malicious code in a Java application


the user submitted parts of a running application java plugins sandbox share improve this question Run the untrusted code..

How can I create an executable jar with dependencies using Maven?


executable jar share improve this question build plugins plugin artifactId maven assembly plugin artifactId configuration.. descriptorRef descriptorRefs configuration plugin plugins build and you run it with mvn clean compile assembly single..

JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON - making it work together


version 1.4.2 version dependency dependencies build plugins javac plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId.. build plugins javac plugin groupId org.apache.maven.plugins groupId artifactId maven compiler plugin artifactId version.. plugin artifactId version 7.4.0.v20110414 version plugin plugins build project in folder src main webapp WEB INF web.xml web..

What code folding plugins work on Eclipse 3.6?


code folding plugins work on Eclipse 3.6 I am new to java development environment..

Eclipse/Java code completion not working


I've downloaded unzipped and setup Eclipse 3.4.2 with some plugins noteable EPIC Clearcase QuantumDB MisterQ . Now I find when..