

java Programming Glossary: pointed

Why is Java Vector class considered obsolete or deprecated?


to synchronization in most situations. As MrSpandex pointed out you can decorate a collection using the calls such as Collections.synchronizedList..

Is there a way to simulate the C++ 'friend' concept in Java?


organize components without being too purist about OOP. NR pointed out that you could cheat using reflection but even that only..

Instance variable initialization in java


if o null o new ExpensiveObject return o And ultimately as pointed out by Bill for the sake of dependency management it is better..

What is a Null Pointer Exception?


line your value 10 is written into the memory location pointed to by x. But when you try to declare a reference type something..

How do I split a string with any whitespace chars as delimiters?


the empty space between the space and the tab. As VonC pointed out the backslash should be escaped because Java would first..

Reverse each word of “Hello World” in Java


Output olleH dlroW Notes Commenters have correctly pointed out a few things that I thought I should mention here. This..

Java Finalize method call


there are no more references to the object. As Joachim pointed out this may never happen in the life of a program if the object..

How can I add to List<? extends Number> data structures?


of T without violating the integrity of the list being pointed to. The perfect example of this is the signature for Collection.copy..

Getting the 'external' IP address in Java


the service to find out the IP. Edit The other answers pointed out to the whatismyip.com website I found out that they have..

ExecutorService, how to wait for all tasks to finish


List Future Object es.invokeAll todo As others have pointed out you could use the timeout version of invokeAll if appropriate...

How to increase to Java stack size?


javac TT.java java Xss4m TT One of the answers has also pointed out that the X... flags are implementation dependent. I was.. be a lot larger than 1024 . Many people who responded has pointed out that it is a good and safe coding practice to consider alternative..

Regex Named Groups in Java


did in this thread . Regex2 limited implementation as pointed out again by tchrist as it looks only for ASCII identifiers...

How is the default java heap size determined?


this default using the Xmx command line option. UPDATE As pointed out by Tom Anderson in his comment the above is for server class..

Regular expression with variable number of groups?


like to avoid a matcher.find loop for these fields. As pointed out by @Tim Pietzcker in the comments .NET has this feature..

Best way to convert an ArrayList to a string


about the performance of string concatenations. Edit As pointed out in the comments the above compiler optimization is indeed..

Why does the JTable header not appear in the image?


the neat simplicity of strategy 2 so it gets the tick. As pointed out by kleopatra there was no 'tweak' needed. So I'll try again....

Efficiency of Java “Double Brace Initialization”?


slightly thanks to @coobird for measuring that . @Thilo pointed out that garbage collection can be affected and the memory cost..