

java Programming Glossary: point.x

Swing animation running extremely slow


e int ds random.nextInt 3 1 if random.nextBoolean point.x ds else point.y ds blocks Math.abs ds update public CabPanel..

animate JPanel (slide in) with timer


Point point new Point if startPoint null targetPoint null point.x calculateProgress startPoint.x targetPoint.x progress point.y..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


double EarthRadius 6371000 m double latA Math.toRadians point.x double lonA Math.toRadians point.y double angularDistance range..

Adding a point to polygon


double 6 int i 0 while pi.isDone if i index mp.addPoint point.x point.y else if pi.currentSegment coords PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE..

Changing JPanel Graphics g color drawing line


void mouseDragged MouseEvent e dPoint.add new Rectangle point.x point.y e.getX e.getY point.x e.getX point.y e.getY repaint.. dPoint.add new Rectangle point.x point.y e.getX e.getY point.x e.getX point.y e.getY repaint addMouseListener new MouseAdapter.. Y e.getY dPoint.add new Rectangle e.getX e.getY 1 1 point.x e.getX point.y e.getY addMouseListener new MouseAdapter ..

Android How to draw a smooth line following your finger


for Point point points if first first false path.moveTo point.x point.y else path.lineTo point.x point.y canvas.drawPath path.. first false path.moveTo point.x point.y else path.lineTo point.x point.y canvas.drawPath path paint make sure you change your.. Point point points.get i if first first false path.moveTo point.x point.y else if i points.size 1 Point next points.get i 1 path.quadTo..