

java Programming Glossary: played

Java Generic Class - Determine Type


if its type 4 do this I've poked around the Java API and played with the Reflection stuff instanceof getClass .class etc but..

Updating JButton on a timer in a do-while loop


a timer in a do while loop. I'm working on a simple game played on a 10 10 grid of tile objects which correspond to a JButton..

How to do query auto-completion/suggestions in Lucene?


suggestions in Lucene. I've Googled around a bit and played around a bit but all of the examples I've seen seem to be setting..

Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException


public Context context public int counter public int playedcounter public int preparecounter public MediaPlayer mp1 public.. Setup all the variables private void setupVars counter 0 playedcounter 0 preparecounter 0 mp1 new MediaPlayer mp2 new MediaPlayer.. removefile File temp new File context.getCacheDir DOWNFILE playedcounter temp.delete playedcounter public boolean stop final String..

Java Sound API to access the system/master volume control in Vista and Win 7


requirements for this software is that the audio must be played to the user at specific decibel sound levels. Using the Java..

RAII in Java… is resource disposal always so ugly?


in Java&hellip is resource disposal always so ugly I just played with Java file system API and came down with the following function..

How to play .wav files with java


@param filename the name of the file that is going to be played public void playSound String filename String strFilename filename..

Launching Google Maps Directions via an intent on Android


This will fire up Google Maps in navigation mode. Haven't played with it since where I live it isn't available. Intent intent..

Clickable widgets in android


the widget to the home screen and clicked on it nothing played in fact nothing played when I set the update timer to just a.. screen and clicked on it nothing played in fact nothing played when I set the update timer to just a few hundred milliseconds..

ExecutorService, how to wait for all tasks to finish


with IllegalMonitorStateException . This is odd because I played around with some toy examples and it appeared to work. uniquePhrases..

Access C++ shared library from Java: JNI, JNA, CNI, or SWIG?


improve this question For Java C I've used JNI JNA and played with SWIG. JNA is the easiest to use but as you note requires..

Dealing with video (DVDs, .avi .mkv) in Java


just not really an option as far as I'm concerned. I've played with it in the past and the experience was not a good one FMJ..

Android audio FFT to retrieve specific frequency magnitude using audiorecord


when a number of specific audio frequency ranges are played through the phone's microphone. I have set up the class using..

Trouble playing wav in Java


The second results in just some leading frames being played that sounds more like a click. Can't be an IO issue as I'm playing.. to starts another thread I believe the audio will be played in its own thread anyway. Is the problem that your application..

Online radio streaming app for Android


Latin Country there is like 10 stations that I know can be played in android I got the URL's from them and actually made them..

HTML5 File Upload to Java Servlet


and File API Tutorial HTML5 File Upload With Progress I've played somewhat around it with the following SSCCE DOCTYPE html html..

Individual and not continuous JTable's cell selection


Or I'm forced to implement my own ListSelectionModel I played around with setCellSelectionEnabled and setSelectionModel methods..

Workaround for javac compilation order bug in maven


java maven javac share improve this question I played around and found that adding simple cast public static void..