

java Programming Glossary: pluggable

Dependency Injection in Struts2 Accessing Session Scoped Beans


by default thread and default seems don't require such pluggable extension. And the last word is about @Scoped annotation. It's..

What code highlighting libs are there for Java?


stuff. The latter has something called 'brushes' which are pluggable .js for several langauges. If you are doing simple highlighting..

When should AccessController.doPrivileged() be used?


built an application that provides a number of services to pluggable modules. So your app and its services are trusted code. The.. So your app and its services are trusted code. The pluggable modules however are not necessarily trusted and are loaded in.. loaders and have their own protection domains . When a pluggable module invokes a service you are implementing custom security..

User authentication on a Jersey REST service


spring security for securing my Jersey based API. It has pluggable authentication schemes allowing you to switch from Basic Auth..

How can I get a list of all the implementations of an interface programmatically in Java?


the conventional means to enumerate implementations of a pluggable service. Use the ServiceLoader in Java 6 or implement your own..

Why defining class as final improves JVM performance?


provides a fairly extensible architecture by providing pluggable serializers and deserializers Gson classes were not specifically..

What is the difference between swing and awt?


same across platforms although it is skinnable and has a pluggable look and feel that can make it look more or less like how the..

Wicket or Playframework?


self contained and reusable components View and Controller pluggable Models . These components can be extended by standard inheritance..

Character Encoding Detection Algorithm


ended up finding a framework called cpdetector that uses a pluggable approach to character detection see CPDetector This provides..

Please recommend pretty Java Swing components library


10 oracle.com Modifying the Look and Feel wikipedia.org Pluggable look and feel Java2s.com Look and feel Java Look and Feel L..

What is the best Java library to use for HTTP POST, GET etc.?


methods. Multi Part form POST for uploading large files. Pluggable secure sockets implementations making it easier to use third..

Java Error: “Your security settings have blocked a local application from running”


element of applet code PlafChanger.class codebase . alt Pluggable Look'n'Feel Changer appears here if Java is enabled width '100.. here if Java is enabled width '100 ' height '250' p Pluggable Look'n'Feel Changer appears here in a Java capable browser...

Dependency Injection in Struts2 Accessing Session Scoped Beans


what is a Scope.Strategy by looking at the docs. It says Pluggable scoping strategy. Enables users to provide custom implementations..

Java Look and Feel (L&F)


10 oracle.com Modifying the Look and Feel wikipedia.org Pluggable look and feel Java2s.com Look and feel Related topics Java gui..

How to add JTable in JPanel


of the code are There is a combo box to change PLAF Pluggable Look and Feel at run time. The GUI is expandable to the user's..