java Programming Glossary: pm.close
How to upload and store an image with google app engine (java) PMF.get .getPersistenceManager pm.makePersistent myImage pm.close respond to query res.setContentType text plain res.getOutputStream..
Update query in google app engine data store (java) try pm.makePersistent contact finally pm.close @SuppressWarnings unchecked public List Contact listContacts.. .rollback throw new RuntimeException ex finally pm.close public void updateContact Contact contact PersistenceManager..
How to use JDO persistence manager? tx pm.currentTransaction if tx.isActive tx.rollback pm.close Any code that needs a persistence manager can call Datastore.getPersistenceManager..
Problems passing class objects through GWT RPC getPersistenceManager try pm.makePersistent stock finally pm.close return stock.getId All other methods stay the same except getStocks.. stock.getId stock.getSymbol stock.getCreateDate finally pm.close return StockClient stockclients.toArray new StockClient 0 Summary..