

java Programming Glossary: point2d.double

Creating a submenu in context menu from overridden getActions in Java JHotDraw


menu. @Override public Collection Action getActions Point2D.Double p Collection Action popupMenu new ArrayList Action popupMenu.add..

Get mouse detection with a dynamic shape


w h BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB Point2D mouse new Point2D.Double 0 0 JLabel l ShapeContainment Random r new Random for int ii..

Pacman open/close mouth animation


Color colors Color.YELLOW Color.ORANGE Point2D center new Point2D.Double size 2 size 2 RadialGradientPaint radial new RadialGradientPaint..

Rotating a shape vertically around the x-axis


1 p2y i Math.cos Math.toRadians 1 Point2D original new Point2D.Double p2x i p2y i AffineTransform at new AffineTransform at.setToRotation..

Converting longitude/latitude to X/Y coordinate


private static final int IMAGE_PADDING 50 ... private List Point2D.Double convertToXY List Coordinate coordinates List Point2D.Double.. convertToXY List Coordinate coordinates List Point2D.Double xys new ArrayList Point2D.Double MercatorProjection projection.. coordinates List Point2D.Double xys new ArrayList Point2D.Double MercatorProjection projection new MercatorProjection for Coordinate..