

java Programming Glossary: plot.setbackgroundpaint

How to get diamond shape for points in JFreechart


dataset true true false XYPlot plot XYPlot chart.getPlot plot.setBackgroundPaint Color.lightGray plot.setDomainGridlinePaint Color.white plot.setRangeGridlinePaint.. 1 XYPlot plot XYPlot chart.getPlot plot.setBackgroundPaint Color.lightGray plot.setDomainGridlinePaint Color.white plot.setRangeGridlinePaint..

JFreeChart PolarPlot: mathematical orientation


TextAnchor.CENTER 0.0 ticks.add tick return ticks plot.setBackgroundPaint new Color 0x00f0f0f0 plot.setRadiusGridlinePaint Color.gray..

JFreechart Loop through polar chart sectors


TextAnchor.CENTER 0.0 ticks.add tick return ticks plot.setBackgroundPaint new Color 0x00f0f0f0 plot.setRadiusGridlinePaint Color.gray.. TextAnchor.CENTER 0.0 ticks.add tick return ticks plot.setBackgroundPaint new Color 0x00f0f0f0 plot.setRadiusGridlinePaint Color.gray..

JFreeChart scaling of Boxplots with several Categories


false chart.setBackgroundPaint Color.white plot.setBackgroundPaint Color.lightGray plot.setDomainGridlinePaint Color.white plot.setDomainGridlinesVisible..

How to set same scale for domain and range axes JFreeChart


10.0f dash1 0.0f Color.black plot.addAnnotation unitCircle plot.setBackgroundPaint Color.white chart.setAntiAlias true chartPanel new JPanel new..