

java Programming Glossary: planet

C# vs Java Enum (for those new to C#)


could someone post a C# counterpart to Sun's famous Planet enum example public enum Planet MERCURY 3.303e 23 2.4397e6 VENUS.. to Sun's famous Planet enum example public enum Planet MERCURY 3.303e 23 2.4397e6 VENUS 4.869e 24 6.0518e6 EARTH 5.976e.. mass in kilograms private final double radius in meters Planet double mass double radius this.mass mass this.radius radius..

Passing parameter to Cassandra CQL query using DataStax client


png 130527 There have been two recent blog posts on planet cassandra with a demo of what the driver can do they contain..

How to count term frequency for set of documents?


Index with following documents doc1 caldari jita shield planet doc2 gallente dodixie armor planet doc3 amarr laser armor planet.. caldari jita shield planet doc2 gallente dodixie armor planet doc3 amarr laser armor planet doc4 minmatar rens space doc5.. doc2 gallente dodixie armor planet doc3 amarr laser armor planet doc4 minmatar rens space doc5 jove space secret planet so these..

C# vs Java Enum (for those new to C#)


passed in is earth Weight. Calculate weight on each planet double earthWeight Double.parseDouble args 0 double mass earthWeight..