

java Programming Glossary: math.max

How to add JRadioButton to group in JTable


row int pref 0 for int col 0 col columnCount col pref Math.max pref preferredHeights col row table.setRowHeight row pref ..

Java: maintaining aspect ratio of JPanel background image


masterSize.height targetSize.height double dScale Math.max dScaleHeight dScaleWidth return dScale It's relatively simple..

the images are not loading


4 velocity.x Math.min velocity.x 8 velocity.x Math.max velocity.x 8 velocity.y random.nextInt 4 velocity.y Math.min.. 4 velocity.y Math.min velocity.y 8 velocity.y Math.max velocity.y 8 add the velocity to the location of the fish to.. 4 velocity.x Math.min velocity.x 8 velocity.x Math.max velocity.x 8 velocity.y random.nextInt 4 velocity.y Math.min..

add thumnails to spring layout like a grid?


rowWidth 0 rowWidth hgap rowWidth d.width rowHeight Math.max rowHeight d.height addRow dim rowWidth rowHeight dim.width.. addRow Dimension dim int rowWidth int rowHeight dim.width Math.max dim.width rowWidth if dim.height 0 dim.height getVgap dim.height..

Merging two images


image canvas size is the max. of both image sizes int w Math.max image.getWidth overlay.getWidth int h Math.max image.getHeight.. sizes int w Math.max image.getWidth overlay.getWidth int h Math.max image.getHeight overlay.getHeight BufferedImage combined new..

Best way to represent a fraction in Java?


may cause overflow. public byte byteValue return byte Math.max Byte.MIN_VALUE Math.min Byte.MAX_VALUE longValue public short.. longValue public short shortValue return short Math.max Short.MIN_VALUE Math.min Short.MAX_VALUE longValue public int.. Short.MAX_VALUE longValue public int intValue return int Math.max Integer.MIN_VALUE Math.min Integer.MAX_VALUE longValue public..

How to print binary tree diagram?


int floor maxLevel level int endgeLines int Math.pow 2 Math.max floor 1 0 int firstSpaces int Math.pow 2 floor 1 int betweenSpaces.. int maxLevel Node T node if node null return 0 return Math.max BTreePrinter.maxLevel node.left BTreePrinter.maxLevel node.right..

Line-breaking widget layout for Android


final int childw child.getMeasuredWidth line_height Math.max line_height child.getMeasuredHeight lp.height if xpos childw..

Detect silence when recording


loByte value shortVal else value hiByte 8 loByte max Math.max max value for else 8 bit no endianness issues just sign for.. 0 shortVal short shortVal buffer i value shortVal max Math.max max value for 8 bit express max as float of 0.0 to 1.0 of max..

Code for changing the color of subtasks in Gantt Chart


int taskCount tasks.get col .getSubtaskCount taskCount Math.max 1 taskCount for int i 0 i taskCount i clut.add Color.getHSBColor..