java Programming Glossary: marshal
Can I force JAXB not to convert " into ", for example, when marshalling to XML? I force JAXB not to convert into quot for example when marshalling to XML I have an Object that is being marshalled to XML.. when marshalling to XML I have an Object that is being marshalled to XML using JAXB. One element contains a String that includes.. import com.sun.xml.internal.bind.marshaller.CharacterEscapeHandler public class PleaseWork public void..
How to convert XML to java.util.Map and vice versa AbstractMap.class.isAssignableFrom clazz public void marshal Object value HierarchicalStreamWriter writer MarshallingContext.. entry.getValue .toString writer.endNode public Object unmarshal HierarchicalStreamReader reader UnmarshallingContext context.. public Object unmarshal HierarchicalStreamReader reader UnmarshallingContext context dunno read manual and do it yourself ..
Using JAXB to unmarshal/marshal a List<String> JAXB to unmarshal marshal a List String I'm trying to create a very simple REST.. JAXB to unmarshal marshal a List String I'm trying to create a very simple REST server...
jaxb unmarshal timestamp unmarshal timestamp I cannot get JAXB to unmarshal a timestamp in a Resteasy.. unmarshal timestamp I cannot get JAXB to unmarshal a timestamp in a Resteasy JAX RS server application. My class.. yyyy MM dd HH mm ss @Override public String marshal Date v throws Exception return dateFormat.format v @Override..
JAXB Mapping cyclic references to XML @XmlTransient annotation in the child class but the JAXB marshaller still detects the cycle. @Entity @XmlRootElement public class.. annotation. It acts similar to @XmlTransient on the marshal and populates the target to source relationship on the unmarshal... and populates the target to source relationship on the unmarshal. http EclipseLink Examples MOXy JPA Relationships..
Java/JAXB: Unmarshall XML attributes to specific Java object attributes JAXB Unmarshall XML attributes to specific Java object attributes There's.. object attributes There's ugly XML file that has to be unmarshalled xml version 1.0 configuration section name default_options.. AdaptedOptions Options @Override public Options unmarshal AdaptedOptions v throws Exception if default_options .equals..
Define Spring JAXB namespaces without using NamespacePrefixMapper new ChildElementWithXlink Marshaller marshaller jc.createMarshaller marshaller.setProperty Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT.. Marshaller marshaller jc.createMarshaller marshaller.setProperty Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT true marshaller.marshal.. Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT true marshaller.marshal re System.out package org.example.domain..
JAXB: how to marshall map into <key>value</key> how to marshall map into key value key The question is about JAXB Map marshalling.. map into key value key The question is about JAXB Map marshalling there is plenty of examples on how to marhsall a Map into.. class for each typical set of key value pairs I want to marshall to XML it works but I have to create way too many of these..
Using JAXB to cross reference XmlIDs from two XML files cross reference XmlIDs from two XML files I'm trying to marshal unmarshal from two different XML files to POJOS. The first XML.. XmlIDs from two XML files I'm trying to marshal unmarshal from two different XML files to POJOS. The first XML file looks.. Flow toNode ROD Flows NetworkInputs Currently my program unmarshals the Network object successfully but there's no connection between..
JAXB inheritance, unmarshal to subclass of marshaled class inheritance unmarshal to subclass of marshaled class I'm using JAXB to read and write.. inheritance unmarshal to subclass of marshaled class I'm using JAXB to read and write XML. What I want is.. and write XML. What I want is to use a base JAXB class for marshalling and an inherited JAXB class for unmarshalling. This is to..
Generate Java classes from .XSD files…? classes from these .XSD files which I could then use to marshal XML to Java objects and Java objects to XML. Is there an easy..
Serialize a JAXB object via its ID? extends XmlAdapter Long Target @Override public Long marshal Target target throws Exception return target.getId @Override.. Exception return target.getId @Override public Target unmarshal Long id throws Exception Target target new Target target.setId.. this.entityManager entityManager @Override public Long marshal Target target throws Exception return target.getId @Override..
What is the difference between Serializable and Externalizable in Java? The Java runtime will use reflection to figure out how to marshal and unmarshal your objects. In earlier version of Java reflection.. will use reflection to figure out how to marshal and unmarshal your objects. In earlier version of Java reflection was very.. but with custom written mechanisms to perform the marshalling and unmarshalling functions you need to implement readExternal..
JAXB: How should I marshal complex nested data structures? How should I marshal complex nested data structures I have several complex data.. value original.getValue @Override public Adapter K V marshal Map K V obj return new Adapter K V obj @Override public Map.. obj return new Adapter K V obj @Override public Map K V unmarshal Adapter K V obj throw new UnsupportedOperationException unmarshalling..
No @XmlRootElement generated by JAXB linked exception com.sun.istack.SAXException2 unable to marshal type org.fpml._2008.fpml_4_5.PositionReport as an element because.. the JAXB runtime requires certain information in order to marshal unmarshal a given object specifically the XML element name and.. runtime requires certain information in order to marshal unmarshal a given object specifically the XML element name and namespace...