java Programming Glossary: martin
Scala's existential types far they seem to be pretty equivalent. A few references. Martin Odersky mentions them Google's top hit for my question MO The.. existential type share improve this question This is Martin Odersky's answer on the Scala users mailing list The original..
What exactly is Spring for? etceteras. Hope this helps. Anyway I encourage you to read Martin Fowler's article about Dependency Injection and Inversion of..
How can i display pie chart in jsp page?
On Performance and Java Interoperability: Clojure vs. Scala you could reach from Java code. . And since Scala author Martin Odersky wrote Sun's Java compiler I kinda think no balls have..
Difference between DTO, VO, POJO, JavaBeans? JavaBean especially before EJB 3 . The term was coined by Martin Fowler Rebecca Parsons and Josh MacKenzie in September 2000.. objects . For a more formal definition I often refer to Martin Fowler's description of Value Object In Patterns of Enterprise..
Modern alternatives to Java [closed] what I mean. The question also has a very good answer by Martin Odersky himself by the way. Speaking of collections I find interoperating..
How to extract CN from X509Certificate in Java? of the DN without parsing the String myself Best regards Martin java ssl x509certificate x509 share improve this question..
Android: Add a textview to linear layout programmatically How can I do it Thanks for you help. Martin java android xml android linearlayout share improve this..
Association vs. Aggregation [duplicate] this question This is a very arguable question. As Martin explains in the answer the Order aggregates the Product. And..
What is the difference between persist() and merge() in hibernate? what I see in the database SINGER_ID SINGER_NAME 1 Ricky Martin 2 Madonna 3 Elvis Presley 4 Luciano Pavarotti Now update a record.. what I see in the database SINGER_ID SINGER_NAME 1 Ricky Martin 2 Luciano Pavarotti 3 Elvis Presley java hibernate share..
StringBuilder/StringBuffer vs. “+” Operator requirements in agile type teams such as what Robert Martin discusses in his clean coding books. On the team I'm on now..
Spring autowiring using @Configurable artistDao in . Any idea what I'm doing wrong Martin java spring aspectj spring aop share improve this question..
Finding SSID of a wireless network with Java Any help on this would be extremely helpfull Regards Martin NJ java networking interface adapter ssid share improve this..
What use are EJBs . But that goes against all my OOD instincts I agree with Martin Fowler that it is an anti pattern . Should I relax my objections.. doesn't mean it's not possible in java. I believe Martin Fowler's point was J2EE note the use of J2EE and not Java EE..
Why is Spring's ApplicationContext.getBean considered bad? I accept the answer below but here's an alternate take by Martin Fowler who discusses the merits of Dependency Injection vs...