

java Programming Glossary: matcher.group

Regular Expressions and GWT


if matchFound Get all groups for this match for int i 0 i matcher.groupCount i String groupStr matcher.group i System.out.println groupStr.. match for int i 0 i matcher.groupCount i String groupStr matcher.group i System.out.println groupStr java regex gwt share improve..

Java Regex Replace with Capturing Group [duplicate]


previous match operation. public String group int i return matcher.group i Overridden to compute a replacement for each match. Use the..

Rationale for Matcher throwing IllegalStateException when no 'matching' method is called


bar bar 0 9 Matcher matcher p.matcher s System.out.println matcher.group foo 1 System.out.println matcher.group bar This code throws.. System.out.println matcher.group foo 1 System.out.println matcher.group bar This code throws a java.lang.IllegalStateException No match.. matcher p.matcher s matcher.matches 2 System.out.println matcher.group foo System.out.println matcher.group bar Adding the call to..

Java Replacing multiple different substring in a string at once (or in the most efficient way)


while matcher.find matcher.appendReplacement sb tokens.get matcher.group 1 matcher.appendTail sb System.out.println sb.toString Once..

Extracting URLs from a text document using Java + Regular Expressions


pattern.matcher() vs pattern.matches()


str while matcher.find System.out.println I found the text matcher.group starting at index matcher.start and ending at index matcher.end..

Regex Named Groups in Java


slide Example String TEST 123 RegExp login w id d Access matcher.group 1 TEST matcher.group login TEST matcher.name 1 login Replace.. TEST 123 RegExp login w id d Access matcher.group 1 TEST matcher.group login TEST matcher.name 1 login Replace matcher.replaceAll aaaaa_..

java: how to extract a substring using regex


pattern.matcher mydata if matcher.find System.out.println matcher.group 1 Result the data i want ideone share improve this answer..

Java- Extract part of a string between two special characters


How to find a whole word in a String in java


pattern.matcher text while matcher.find System.out.println matcher.group 1 If you are looking for more performance you could have a look..

Java regex to extract text between tags


I want to extract tag matcher.find System.out.println matcher.group 1 Prints String I want to extract If you want to extract multiple.. TAG_REGEX.matcher str while matcher.find tagValues.add matcher.group 1 return tagValues However I agree that regular expressions..

How to replace a set of tokens in a Java String?


while matcher.find String replacement replacements.get matcher.group 1 if replacement null matcher.appendReplacement buffer replacement.. i 0 while matcher.find String replacement replacements.get matcher.group 1 builder.append text.substring i matcher.start if replacement.. i matcher.start if replacement null builder.append matcher.group 0 else builder.append replacement i matcher.end builder.append..