

java Programming Glossary: grow

Java Refuses to Start - Could not reserve enough space for object heap


you start your app start with a smaller heap and gradually grow that heap. All of this isn't going to help you increase your..

Android SQLite and huge data sets


queries 20 000 rows and we are seeing errors when we are growing the queries as the user is scrolling. So I guess the question.. 330ms 09 10 19 19 32.886 ERROR CursorWindow 19416 need to grow mSize 1048576 size 36 freeSpace 30 numRows 17717 09 10 19 19.. 17717 09 10 19 19 32.896 ERROR CursorWindow 19416 not growing since there are already 17717 row s max size 1048576 09 10..

Hashset vs Treeset


that's about twice the size to which you expect the set to grow. TreeSet guarantees log n time cost for the basic operations..

java dynamic array sizes?


or accept the overhead of having to reallocate it needs to grow in size. When it does you'll have to allocate a new one and.. essentially wraps an array and takes care of the logic for growing the array as required List xClass mysclass new ArrayList..

Good XMPP Java Libraries for server side? [closed]


because using something like XMPP means the app can grow up very quickly from a local wifi based app to an internet based..

Xml configuration versus Annotation based configuration


to choose one or the other XML or Annotation . As projects grow consistency is very important for maintainability. My question..

What is a stack overflow error?


end of your process. As you allocate memory this heap can grow towards the upper end of your address space. As you can see..

Easy, simple to use LRU cache in java


different pages roles ... so the combination of inputs can grow quite much but in 99 will not . To handle this 1 I want to have..

Populating child dropdownlists in JSP/Servlet


100 100 1 000 000 items in JS objects. The HTML page would grow over 1MB in length. Make use of XMLHttpRequest in Javascript..

Why is it a bad practice to call System.gc?


That's certainly not necessarily true the Java heap itself grows independently of Java allocations. As in the JVM will hold.. As in the JVM will hold memory many tens of megabytes and grow the heap as necessary. It doesn't necessarily return that memory..

Java floating point high precision library


of the number of digits but the time of Apfloat seems to grow almost linearly. On 10000 digits it was 4 times as fast as JScience..

How to add new elements to an array?


A better solution would be to use an ArrayList which can grow as you need it. The method ArrayList.toArray T a gives you back..

What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers?


to gather the information of interest would otherwise grow up 10 times as big without writing utility helper methods ...

What's wrong with overridable method calls in constructors?


the number would explode as the number of parameters grow and you may even have multiple boolean and int arguments which..

Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java


shrinks the string here where in the other one it grows it. StringBuffer newstr new StringBuffer oldstr.length boolean.. s if s.length 0 return This is just the minimum sb will grow as needed. StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer 2 3 s.length sb.append..

Sandbox against malicious code in a Java application


causes the visible footprint of the main application to grow. JSR 121 Application Isolation API Specification was designed..

Recycle ImageView's Bitmap


the first one cause this code up there causes my heap to grow more and more and then throw OutOfMemoryError so I do bm.recycle..

Setting JVM heap size at runtime


it tends to do when there's a lot of room for the heap to grow and which would defeat the goal of wanting the heap size to..