java Programming Glossary: grown
Android - Writing a custom (compound) component app I'm currently developing has a main activity that has grown quite large. This is mainly because it contains a TabWidget..
What is a lightweight, fast, java servlet container? [closed] specifically customized for a website I'm making. I've grown tired of reinventing the wheel though and am now investigating..
Classical set operations for java.util.Collection setB After some searching I was only able to find home grown solutions. Also I realize I may be confusing the idea of a Set..
how to choose the jvm heap size? perform garbage collection frequently until the heap has grown to a more reasonable size. For optimal startup performance you..
Class with single method — best approach? values at the same time. Also if a method has grown to this amount of complexity it most likely needs to be in its..
Closest Ruby representation of a 'private static final' and 'public static final' class variable in Java? is a hole in the implementation. Ruby is often called a grown up's language or a consenting adults language which means that..
What is the abbreviation of JAVA language? [closed] selected essentially randomly by me and while the team had grown attached to it the trademark lawyers ruled it out. We had lots..
Unit testing with Spring Security in username for example. I'm looking to replace this home grown logic with Spring Security instead which would have the nice..
JTabbedPane JLabel, JTextField I wanted was that I had the JLabel and next to it a full grown JTextfield on the left side not in the middle. Anyone any idea..
Differences between JVM implementations performance. As far as technical differences those have grown less significant over the years. Once upon a time the IBM and..
JUnit theory for hashCode/equals contract for equals hashCode contract. It is a part of a home grown testing framework. What do you think about How can I strong..
Best GWT widget library? [closed] lots of custom styling GWT Incubator tables A few home grown widgets I should add the baggage I'm referring to isn't necessarily..
Choosing between Java and Python conversion has started in that we now mirror the home grown database into Postgresql and the two are in sync and stay in.. processes to pull from Postgresql instead of the home grown database. We will start with the smaller and simpler processes..