java Programming Glossary: gridview
Android heterogeneous gridview like pinterest? possible to create pinterest like layout on Android using GridView I want to create image gallery using GridView but I am not sure.. using GridView I want to create image gallery using GridView but I am not sure if it is good solution. I do not want create..
Making the gridView center in Android layout_gravity center_horizontal android padding 5dip GridView android id @ id homeGridView android layout_width wrap_content.. android padding 5dip GridView android id @ id homeGridView android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content.. as you says in your precedent post dealing with GridView is pretty complicated i've lost a lot of times on this . The..
Create a clickable image in a GridView in Android a clickable image in a GridView in Android I have images displayed in a GridView as in this.. in a GridView in Android I have images displayed in a GridView as in this tutorial . I want to be able to click on a single.. new ImageView mContext imageView.setLayoutParams new GridView.LayoutParams 85 85 imageView.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP..
How can I dynamically add images to a GridView? can I dynamically add images to a GridView I have a GridView that is created based on an array of items... can I dynamically add images to a GridView I have a GridView that is created based on an array of items. I need to add more.. import android.widget.GridView import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.LinearLayout..
Android: Simple GridView that displays text in the grids Simple GridView that displays text in the grids i'm following the example on.. following the example on the android tutorial about the GridView but instead of showing image i want to just simple show some.. with the sdk. so my code is pretty much the same as the GridView example in http guide tutorials views..