java Programming Glossary: gs
Convert RGBA values to hex color code String rs pad Integer.toHexString col.getRed String gs pad Integer.toHexString col.getGreen String bs pad Integer.toHexString.. bs pad Integer.toHexString col.getBlue String hex 0x as rs gs bs return Integer.parseInt hex 16 private static final String..
MyEclipse 10 does not start “Java was started but returned exit code 13” k devel Genuitec MyEclipse 10 configuration vmargs Xmx768m XX MaxPermSize 256m XX ReservedCodeCacheSize 96m Dosgi.nls.warnings.. 256m XX ReservedCodeCacheSize 96m Dosgi.nls.warnings ignore Dfile.encoding UTF8 The only thing what I have done since.. WindowsPowerShell v1.0 ANT_HOME bin C Program Files x86 gs gs8.70 bin C Program Files x86 gs gs8.70 lib M2 JAVA_HOME bin..
java, show JFrame in a specific screen in dual monitor configuration .getLocalGraphicsEnvironment GraphicsDevice gs ge.getScreenDevices if screen 1 screen gs.length gs screen.. GraphicsDevice gs ge.getScreenDevices if screen 1 screen gs.length gs screen .setFullScreenWindow frame else if gs.length.. gs ge.getScreenDevices if screen 1 screen gs.length gs screen .setFullScreenWindow frame else if gs.length 0 gs 0..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? Now I know I can do something like this GlobalState gs GlobalState getApplication String s gs.getTestMe However I want.. this GlobalState gs GlobalState getApplication String s gs.getTestMe However I want to share alot of variables and some.. or saving it somewhere else. If data is primitives Strings or user defined objects send it as part of the intent extras..
PDF to image using Java [duplicate] to modify for your needs Know you need the env vars for gs to work pushd setlocal Set BIN_DIR C Program Files IKOffice_ACME.. IKOffice_ACME bin Set GS C Program Files IKOffice_ACME gs Set GS_DLL GS gs8.54 bin gsdll32.dll Set GS_LIB GS gs8.54 lib.. bin Set GS C Program Files IKOffice_ACME gs Set GS_DLL GS gs8.54 bin gsdll32.dll Set GS_LIB GS gs8.54 lib GS gs8.54 Resource..
Export PDF pages to a series of images in Java Image from an Image ORIGINAL http egs java.awt.image Image2Buf.html UPDATED How to convert buffered.. to a PNG or JPEG File ORIGINAL http egs javax.imageio Graphic2File.html UPDATED http 0 channel.size PDFFile pdffile new PDFFile buf int numPgs pdffile.getNumPages for int i 0 i numPgs i draw the first page..
List of useful environment settings in Java of useful environment settings in Java I've been wondering a long time if there was a comprehensive.. I use this code to get a handle on some of the things known to Java classes that are of particular interest to me... return new JScrollPane op public static void main String args JTabbedPane tabPane new JTabbedPane StringBuffer sb String header..
Converting from HSV (HSB in Java) to RGB without using java.awt.Color (disallowed on Google App Engine) g float b String rs Integer.toHexString int r 256 String gs Integer.toHexString int g 256 String bs Integer.toHexString..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? large job ahead of you In ESC POS you will need to use the GS v 0 command documented on p33 . You do this by sending the the..
PDF to image using Java [duplicate] setlocal Set BIN_DIR C Program Files IKOffice_ACME bin Set GS C Program Files IKOffice_ACME gs Set GS_DLL GS gs8.54 bin gsdll32.dll.. bin Set GS C Program Files IKOffice_ACME gs Set GS_DLL GS gs8.54 bin gsdll32.dll Set GS_LIB GS gs8.54 lib GS gs8.54.. bin Set GS C Program Files IKOffice_ACME gs Set GS_DLL GS gs8.54 bin gsdll32.dll Set GS_LIB GS gs8.54 lib GS gs8.54 Resource..