

java Programming Glossary: gtk

Can we ape the GTK+ 2.0 button style in Java Swing?


we ape the GTK 2.0 button style in Java Swing The problem with Java Swing.. problem with Java Swing is the look and feels Metal Nimbus GTK... the worst out there compared to SWT Windows Mac and Gnome.. is a possibility to tweak a JButton to look like a default GTK button. Otherwise can we give the JButton text a style a shadow..

Which Java GUI framework to choose now? [closed]


phenomenal on Windows Vista and XP and almost as good on GTK Linux. I have not in recent past had any issues with SWT on..

Best programming language and framework for cross platform desktop application development? [closed]


per request below. On the subject of wxWidgets GTK etc I repeat the paramount requirement is NATIVE LOOK FEEL on..

How to add JTable in JPanel


Eclipse cannot load SWT libraries


Corporation BootLoader constants OS linux ARCH x86_64 WS gtk NL en_GB Command line arguments os linux ws gtk arch x86_64.. x86_64 WS gtk NL en_GB Command line arguments os linux ws gtk arch x86_64 ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2012 04 15 21 05 47.885.. Could not load SWT library. Reasons no swt gtk 3740 in java.library.path no swt gtk in java.library.path Can't..

Problems with loading resources during execution


file is used by the system during execution. Meaning if gtk linux x86_64 happens to be the first swt jar on the list of.. mac cocoa osName.contains linux osName.contains nix gtk null if null swtFileNameOsPart throw new RuntimeException..

Best programming language and framework for cross platform desktop application development? [closed]


looked at wxWidgets qtruby fxruby titanium tcl tk bowline gtk Pros good cross platform support lots of gems rapid development.. Python I looked at wxWidgets qtruby fxruby titanium tcl tk gtk and various python permutations of those Pros good cross platform..