

java Programming Glossary: gson.tojson

The easiest way to remove the bidirectional recursive relationships?


.get i .setGpsImei null Gson gson new Gson String json gson.toJson gps convert to json response System.out.println json As you.. Gson gson gsonBuilder.create System.out.println gson.toJson rock This prints '0x1' 'name' 'ROCK' 'beats' '0x2' '0x2' 'name'..

gson.toJson() throws StackOverflowError


throws StackOverflowError I would like to generate a JSON String.. JSON String from my object Gson gson new Gson String json gson.toJson item Everytime I try to do this I get this error 14 46 40 236..

How to properly convert List of specific objects to Gson?


Collections.synchronizedList messages return gson.toJson synchronizedMessages ArrayList.class This is my Message class.. Message.class new MessageAdapter .create return gson.toJson messages Any my MessageAdapter class looks like public class..

Skip root element while deserializing json


clazz public static final T String toJSON T clazz return gson.toJson clazz String json your jsonString Map String Object r ConvertJsonToObject.getFromJSON..

Deserializing json array using gson


LinkedList target.add blah Gson gson new Gson String json gson.toJson target listType List target2 gson.fromJson json listType Knowing..

Gson and deserializing an array of objects with arrays in it


FileReader input.json TypeDTO .class System.out.println gson.toJson myTypes class TypeDTO int id String name ArrayList ItemDTO items.. FileReader input.json TypeDTO .class System.out.println gson.toJson myTypes class TypeDTO int id String name ArrayList ItemDTO items..

How to serialize a Map of a Map with GSON?


Gson gson new GsonBuilder .serializeNulls .create return gson.toJson this I expected to get the following output General Version.. toJSON final Gson gson new Gson final JsonElement jsonTree gson.toJsonTree General Map.class final JsonObject jsonObject new JsonObject..

Trouble with Gson serializing an ArrayList of POJO's


list.add new TestObject list.add new TestObject s gson.toJson list ArrayList.class System.out.println s Eat Serial List TestObject.. TestObject list.add new TestObject list.add new TestObject gson.toJson list osWriter osWriter.close Eat Serial Reader isReader new.. new TypeToken List TestObject .getType String s gson.toJson list listOfTestObject List TestObject list2 gson.fromJson s..

GSON - Date format


.setDateFormat DateFormat.LONG .create System.out.println gson.toJson adviceSheet I always use java.util.Date setDateFormat doesn't..

How do I use a custom Serializer with Jackson?


new UserAdapter Gson gson builder.create String json gson.toJson myItem System.out.println JSON json But I need to do it with..

JSF, HighCharts and JS


this you can achieve with Gson library something like gson.toJson yourListOfValues see Gson user guide Note This technique should..