java Programming Glossary: guarantee
Sort on a string that may contain a number Is there a better way Update I don't think I can guarantee that the other numbers in the string the ones that may match..
Hashset vs Treeset like add remove and contains but offers no ordering guarantees like TreeSet. HashSet class offers constant time performance.. operations add remove contains and size . it does not guarantee that the order of elements will remain constant over time iteration.. the size to which you expect the set to grow. TreeSet guarantees log n time cost for the basic operations add remove and contains..
Why would you ever implement finalize()? is really scary since the only way to come as close to a guarantee that a Connection is closed is to implement try catch finally...
EventListenerList firing order appears to be implementation advice rather than a guarantee. The chaining approach suggested by pstanton enforces the correct..
How to properly override clone method? java.lang.Cloneable . If that's the case then you can guarantee that you will NEVER catch a CloneNotSupportedException . Throwing..
How can I add to List<? extends Number> data structures? can't add any object to List extends T because you can't guarantee what kind of List it is really pointing to so you can't guarantee.. what kind of List it is really pointing to so you can't guarantee that the object is allowed in that List . The only guarantee.. that the object is allowed in that List . The only guarantee is that you can only read from it and you'll get a T or subclass..
What is a serialVersionUID and why should I use it? during deserialization. Therefore to guarantee a consistent serialVersionUID value across different java compiler..
How to deal with “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” error (64MB heap size) about how much memory you need. In general if you can't guarantee that your program will run in some finite amount of memory perhaps..
Best practices for exception management in Java or C# or 2 deserializing a JSON object. Unfortunately I can't guarantee success for either of these tasks cut network connection malformed..
What is an efficient way to implement a singleton pattern in Java? serialization machinery for free and provides an ironclad guarantee against multiple instantiation even in the face of sophisticated..
Is there a way to refer to the current type with a type variable? of one's internal API only. The reason is that there is no guarantee the type parameter SELF in the above examples will actually.. MyBaseClass for SELF . Independent of that there's no guarantee self will actually return this which may or may not be an issue..