java Programming Glossary: essence
Is it safe to get values from a java.util.HashMap from multiple threads (no modification)? Model has a three part blog on this topic because in essence you are asking the question Is it safe to access an immutable..
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? on. Most runnables are instantiated from the UI thread. In essence using a Runnable is creating another thread just slightly more..
What does “GC--” mean in a java garbage collection log? gen to do all the needed promotions. The scavenge is in essence unwound and then a full STW compaction of the entire heap is..
Get list of processes on Windows in a charset-safe way retrieve the list of running processes under Windows. In essence it does String cmd System.getenv windir system32 tasklist.exe..
Pinning a Java application to the Windows 7 taskbar application under Windows 7 which to my understanding in essence forks an instance of javaw.exe that in turn interprets the Java..
What is the relation between ContentPane and JPanel? JPanel Can we include a container in container ADDED Maybe essence of my question can be put into one line of code frame.getContentPane..
Java String.indexOf and empty Strings It is within all strings at all times permeating the essence of their being yet as you seek it you shall never catch a glimpse...
Is it possible to use JSF+Facelets with HTML 4/5? Facelets is a XML based view technology which emits in essence XML markup you cannot use it with a HTML4 doctype. The HTML4..
Which Actor model library/framework for Java? [closed] Also see this presentation. Carl Hewitt explains the essence of the Actor Model of computation here . Killim and Akka scala..
Hibernate: Where do insertable = false, updatable = false belong in composite primary key constellations involving foreign keys? to evaluate @Column insertable false updatable false In essence what's the standard JPA way the best practice or preference..
JSF 2.0 use enum in selectMany menu generic type information is lost during runtime. So in essence JSF EL doesn't know anything about the parameterized type of..
Why inner classes require “final” outer instance variables [Java]? function runs might be confusing and weird. This is the essence of a lot of the brouhaha around Java and closures . share improve..
Why should casting be avoided? cases the cast does nothing more than tell the compiler in essence shut up I know what I'm doing i.e. it ensures that even when..
What is the difference between the float and integer data type when the size is the same? for the purpose of this discussion The mantissa is in essence not much more than a 24 bit integer number. This gets multiplied..
Developing Peer to Peer application in Java a peer to peer system in java for file sharing. So in essence several users should be able to share files using the Peer to..
Builder Pattern in Effective Java project but there were compilation errors. Following is in essence what I was trying to do The class with multiple attributes and..
How to URL-encode a String with JSTL? think that you confused it with URL rewriting which is in essence nothing more than appending the jsessionid whenever necessary..
Execute managebean method from javascript onload event issue report about that. The following works but it's in essence a hack. h head title JSF 2.0 onload hack title script window.onload..
Difference between and Color.RED stating that constants must be in upper case . In essence there are no difference at all except letter casing . If I want..