java Programming Glossary: equality
What's wrong with using == to compare floats in Java? floats in Java According to this java.sun page is the equality comparison operator for floating point numbers in Java. However.. point values What is the correct way to do it java equality floating accuracy share improve this question the correct.. this question the correct way to test floats for 'equality' is if Math.abs sectionID currentSectionID epsilon where epsilon..
When comparing two Integers in Java does auto-unboxing occur? comparing two boxed Integers and want to compare either equality or less than greater than Integer a 4 Integer b 5 if a b Will.. No between Integer Long etc will check for reference equality i.e. Integer x ... Integer y ... System.out.println x y this.. rules of boxing JLS section 5.1.7 . It's still reference equality being used but the references genuinely are equal. Personally..
Difference between DTO, VO, POJO, JavaBeans? You can usually tell them because their notion of equality isn't based on identity instead two value objects are equal.. currency codes for currency objects are enough to test equality. A general heuristic is that value objects should be entirely..
Overriding equals and hashCode in Java the mathematically inclined equals javadoc must define an equality relation it must be reflexive symmetric and transitive . In..
TreeMap sort by value always wrong since with Integer operands is a reference equality not value equality. System.out.println new Integer 0 new Integer.. with Integer operands is a reference equality not value equality. System.out.println new Integer 0 new Integer 0 prints false..
Right way to implement equals contract or both. Should I change my equals contract to check the equality of all fields What is your suggestion java share improve.. this question This is almost correct for technical equality but not for natural equality . To achieve top technical equality.. almost correct for technical equality but not for natural equality . To achieve top technical equality you should also test the..
Switch Statement with Strings in Java corresponding case is an if statement that tests string equality if there are collisions on the hash the test is a cascading..
Why doesn't Java offer operator overloading? [closed] Java and C# both have to deal with value and reference equality separately operator would likely deal with values and objects..
How to implement a Map with multiple keys? specified. Map uses hashcodes of keys and checks for their equality. java data structures share improve this question Two maps...
Difference Between Equals and == to the same object. This is also called reference equality . Java doesn't have any user defined operator overloading. In.. it will behave like Java i.e. comparing for reference equality . However if there's an overload which matches the compile time.. can behave how it wants but it typically implements value equality i.e. a and b can refer to different but equal values and it..
When should we use intern method of String on String constants are same s1 and s5 are same Refer to JavaTechniques String Equality and Interning for more information. share improve this answer..
Hashcode and equals varies java hashcode share improve this question Equality is only determined by method equals . And method hashCode is..
Is it guaranteed that new Integer(i) == i in Java? numerical equality operators and . JLS §15.21.1 Numerical Equality Operators and specifies If the operands of an equality operator.. the operands §5.6.2 . In contrast JLS §15.21.3 Reference Equality Operators and provides If the operands of an equality operator..
What is the difference between “text” and new String(“text”) in Java? is rarely the intention. References JLS 15.21.3 Reference Equality Operators and class Object boolean Object equals Related issues..
Why comparing Integer with int can throw NullPointerException in Java? Here are the relevant JLS sections JLS 15.21.3 Reference Equality Operators and If the operands of an equality operator are both.. the operand must be a numeric type JLS 15.21.1 Numerical Equality Operators and If the operands of an equality operator are both.. Java Language Guide Autoboxing JLS 15.21.1 Numerical Equality Operators and JLS 15.21.3 Reference Equality Operators and JLS..
What are the differences between PHP and Java? the above declarations the following is not valid foo baz Equality on objects not on primitive types checks for object identity...
Integer == int allowed in java from the Java Language Specification 15.21.1 Numerical Equality Operators and If the operands of an equality operator are both..
If statement using == gives unexpected result word t .equals word ... From section 15.21.3 Reference Equality Operators and of the Java Language Specification 3.0 While may..