java Programming Glossary: eric
How does the JLS specify that wildcards cannot be formally used within methods? we don't need to declare the reference with a wildcard Eric Lippert of Microsoft's C# compiler team calls this situation..
Why must local variables, including primitives, always be initialized in Java? well as it's basically the same thing. You might also find Eric Lippert's recent blog post interesting it's at least around..
How do I calculate a good hash code for a list of strings? Bug Quoting from Guidelines and rules for GetHashCode by Eric Lippert The documentation for System.String.GetHashCode notes..
jdbc connection pooling I used something similar to the code sample suggested by Eric Hauser see his response below . Can somebody confirm that this..
Why use a prime number in hashCode? works that I found C# but the concepts are transferrable Eric Lippert's Guidelines and rules for GetHashCode java hashcode..
Where to put global rules validation in DDD answer with example Validation in a Domain Driven Design . Eric Evans describes the use of the specification pattern for validation..
Practical side of the ability to define a class within an interface in Java? I can think of another usage than those linked by Eric P defining a default no op implementation of the interface...