java Programming Glossary: equinox
java.util.NoSuchElementException while starting an OSGi framework programatically to programatically start an OSGi framework preferably Equinox from Java and then load up any bundles. So I was going through..
How to reference an included file in OSGi bundle when performing or FileInputStream one I use . I get this error when running in both Eclipse Equinox in Debug Configuration mode as well as Apache Felix which we.. a plugin and if I am using different OSGi environments eg. Equinox Eclipse vs. Apache Felix e.g. url new URL platform plugin de.vogella.rcp.plugin.filereader..
Programatically Start OSGi (Equinox)? Start OSGi Equinox I'd like to be able to easily start an OSGi framework preferably.. to be able to easily start an OSGi framework preferably Equinox and load up any bundles listed in my pom from a java main. Is.. any documentation indicating such. I know I can start up Equinox like so BundleContext context EclipseStarter.startup new String..
What OSGi Container Do You Recommend? [closed] I have been able to find so far Apache Felix Eclipse Equinox Knoplerfish Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi Concierge Oscar..
osgi: Using ServiceFactories? definition on the internet. Even the book OSGi and Equinox didn't tell me much about using them. Could anyone please explain..
How to reference mockito within tycho? the indigo release Eclipse RCP Plug in Developer Resources Equinox Target Components Jetty Target Components So my first question..