java Programming Glossary: eval
“eval” in Scala eval&rdquo in Scala Can Scala be used to script a Java application.. scope for it data exposed by the host application evaluate it and retrieve a result object from it. The Scala documentation.. gets turned into to regular JVM bytecode . But how can I evaluate a Scala expression on the fly from Java or if that is easier..
using eval in Java eval in Java I am new to Java. I have a string like the following.. 20 by using the string. I know in some other languages the eval function will do this. How do I do this in Java java share.. this question You can use the ScriptEngine class and evaluate it as a javascript string ScriptEngineManager manager new..
Using Java reflection to create eval() method Java reflection to create eval method I have a question about reflection I am trying to have.. question about reflection I am trying to have some kind of eval method. So i can call for example eval test 'woohoo' Now I understand.. have some kind of eval method. So i can call for example eval test 'woohoo' Now I understand the there is no eval method in..
Java REPL shell [duplicate] this public static void nightmare thing Thanks java read eval print loop share improve this question You can also use..
Best language to parse extremely large Excel 2007 files Workbook book new XSSFWorkbook myxls FormulaEvaluator eval book.getCreationHelper .createFormulaEvaluator Sheet sheet book.getSheetAt.. 0 for Row row sheet for Cell cell row printCell cell eval System.out.print System.out.println myxls.close private.. private static void printCell Cell cell FormulaEvaluator eval switch cell.getCellType case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK System.out.print..
Is there a java equivalent of the python eval function? there a java equivalent of the python eval function Is there a java equivalent of the python eval function.. eval function Is there a java equivalent of the python eval function This would be a function which takes an arbitrary string.. the documentation for interface JavaCompiler . No direct eval is provided by any standard API but the tools exist to build..