java Programming Glossary: evaluating
How to replace @ManagedBean / @ViewScope by CDI? to replace @ManagedBean @ViewScope by CDI I'm currently evaluating Java EE 6 JSF 2.1 with RichFaces. A bean which is declared as..
Why does a “&&=” Operator not exist? [duplicate] looks like it ought to be assigning to x and evaluating someComplexExpression but the fact that the evaluation hinges..
How does the code behave different for Java and C compiler? be 8 since they will copy the value of x before they start evaluating the right hand side. For register based CPUs it should always..
Embedding Flash / Flex component into Java app working on some Flex spike in my company. We are basically evaluating different scenarios etc. What solution would you recommend for..
What's a good library for parsing mathematical expressions in java? [closed] it's free it ran 5 times as fast on the same benchmark evaluating 3.14159 x^2 for a million different values of x the .jar is..
Why doesn't Java have compound assignment versions of the conditional-and and conditional-or operators? (&&=, ||=) looks like it ought to be assigning to x and evaluating someComplexExpression but the fact that the evaluation hinges..
New to Spring - BeanFactory vs ApplicationContext? putting a few samples apps together for the purposes of evaluating Spring MVC for use in an upcoming company project. So far I..
Java Web Service framework/library, which is a better one and why? library which is a better one and why Currently I am evaluating number of web service frameworks in Java. I need web service..
Shiro vs. SpringSecurity [closed] vs. SpringSecurity closed I have currently evaluating Java based security frameworks I am a Spring 3.0 user so it..
Embedded java databases [closed] to select one over the others Thanks Edit I am currently evaluating these options to use in our internal developments so I don't.. a specific use case in mind. One of the possible uses I am evaluating them for is a desktop application that uses the database as..
Hibernate, iBatis, Java EE or other Java ORM tool enterprise application. We're focusing our efforts on evaluating hibernate after experiencing the pains of J2EE. It looks like..
free Java library for evaluating math expressions Java library for evaluating math expressions Is there a free and open source library for.. expressions Is there a free and open source library for evaluating math expressions in Java In one of my projects I want to add.. this question These are open source libraries for evaluating Math expressions. JEval is the advanced library for adding high..
How to rendering fraction in Swing JComponents model rational numbers and this parser could be adapted to evaluating rational expressions. import java.awt.Color import java.awt.EventQueue..
What are good InstallAnywhere replacements for installing a Java EE application? seem to have good support well at least for prospects evaluating their products Especially from BitRock we got very quick replies...
Best GWT widget library? [closed] for extending to your own custom needs E.g. I was just evaluating table classes to use in our application. We've been using GWT..
Reason for the exsistance of non-short-circuit logical operators operators In other words what is the usage of always evaluating both side by the non short circuit logical operators java ..
what's the difference between #{} ${} and %{}? within S2 tags. IMO it should be used whenever you are evaluating an OGNL expression although it is quite often optional. When..